Dark History

Sitting on the edge of the couch with his body facing me, Jessie had a very serious but ashamed look on his face. He took a deep drawn out breath to calm his nervousness.

" Blake and I go back to high school. We met our Freshman year. Hell our parents work at the same Plant. We use to hang out alot, did sports , rode bikes, the typical high schooler guy thing. Spent night camped out during the summer, chased girls. This was the norm for us till Sr year. We had a few months left till graduation and Parties were all the rage. One Particular night Blake and I drove to a party in the Hills section of town. A well to do group of homes and families. The house was huge and the party even bigger. There were guys and girls in every corner on every surface of the place. Even the pool out back was swarming with half naked people. Oh I was in my element let me tell ya, I was a decently popular guy and had no trouble getting attention. Blake However was the talk of the party. His family high middle class, drove a nice car, had a scholarship to play football the whole nine yards. He could have any girl he wanted.

I had drank myself stupid , made my way to the pool house where it was a bit less crowded and found a quite spot to chill a bit. Blake, I Assume ,saw me stagger off and followed to find me semi out on the sofa. He slapped my leg and I sat up to find what he wanted. He told me that it wasnt until that night that he felt he had the courage to tell the person he liked how he felt. I congratulated him on finally becoming a man and before I could finish my sentence he kisses me.

He stopped for a moment judging my expression.My mind was blown this was not what I expected and sure as hell was not what I wanted. I had no idea he looked at me that way and apparently, I had read all the signs wrong. It took me by surprise and I shoved him off. About that time Matt and Shawn the goons we met last night, showed up seeing us break apart. Blake I guess knew I rejected him and punched me telling the other two I had tried to make out with him. They then drug me as I fought them out to the pool area in front of damn near our entire school and told them I was a faggot. I got the worst ass beating of my life that night. I was stripped by the football team and tied up by people I didnt even know and tossed into Blake's car. The three of them drove me to the out skirts of town were Blake, Shawn, and Matt beat me till my left eye was swollen shut and my breathing became hard. Blood poured from my ears and mouth.

Tears were falling from his eyes , I saw him try to swallow and knew this was not easy.

Ughhhh....cough.... hmmmm... Blake then reached into the trunk of his car and pulled out a wooden handled broom. He ordered Matt and Shawn to hold me down . Matt flipped me over on my stomach and sat on my back holding my hands behind my head. Shawn grabbed my left leg and spread my legs. I began to scream and squirm Matt covered my mouth. Blake then took the end of the broom handle and with out remorse shoved it into my anus . I screamed for my life and the more I moved and screamed Blake would repeatedly shoved the broom handle into me till I was bleeding profusely. I couldn't scream for help any more because Matt had gagged me. When they were finished and I was gasping for air they knocked me out with the broom and left me laying there. I woke up three days later in ICU. My head was wrapped in bandages, my mother on one side, beside herself, father in the corner fuming. I tried to speak to explain what had happened but my father was having none of it. He didnt care that I was beaten so bad my spleen ruptured, or that I had to have my colon fixed and splinters removed from my insides. Or that it took 153 stitches to sew my anus back togehter. I suffered a concussion and 3 broken ribs. No, instead I was blamed for all of it. He couldn't believe his son was a freak. Told me the whole hospital bill was my own. He would not spend another dime to save me. So for the last 3 years I've worked my ass off to pay my bill and put myself through college. I had to drop out of Highschool. Another shame on my family. They literally disowned me , all bc of a misunderstanding, I had done nothing wrong , yet I was treated as such."

He stopped speaking, walked to the window and braced his arm up on the wall looking away from me.

"For three years I avoided Blake, never once ran into him and was finally able to relax and live in peace. Then my second year of college here, I walked into the common room and made eye contact with the one person I never wanted to see again. Though I ignored him and kept walking he made it known he saw me. " Where ya going Faggot" he shouted at me across the room making several people laugh and turn to look at me. A few days later I was at the diner and ran into him. I got a hell of a beating again from him and a warning. I changed my classes up leading me to met you. At first I hated you for butting in where you were not wanted. Then the court yard beating, I was so grateful that someone stepped in and was for once on my side. However, the three days I didn't come to school wasnt because I didn't want to, it was because Blake caught me the next day. I couldn't see after that beating. I decided to end things. I stole my dads hand gun from his safe at home. Drove to school and walked the woods till I came to the clearing by the creek. No one would know the truth had it not been for you stopping me. Now I have gone and gotten you mixed in and this shit happened to you." He turned to look at me. I was a bawling mess.