Ruined Morning

A cold and peaceful morning. Alexandra sat on the picnic table in the garden while reading a book with a glass of milk in front of her. 4 days left before winter, she was excited and thrilled to see the snow and the place blanketed with white. Alexandra took the glass of milk and drank while reading a book about the history of Queenilia which she didn't finish reading because of its contents and thickness. She placed down the glass of milk. Alexandra was feeling something, it feels like something will happen to her today but maybe it was her imagination. She brushed off that feeling and just continued reading the book with a peaceful and quiet surrounding.

Therese was with her today, she was the one assigned to guard her. She watched Alexandra read the thick book while she sat in front of her, Alexandra told her to sit because standing still without doing anything will just make her tired. Therese was a quiet person and also love to read books. Although she and Alexandra rarely talk or see each other because Therese is always in the kitchen cooking (She was the one who cooks Alexandra's breakfast, lunch, and dinner), Therese likes Alexandra because of her attitude. She was also given a flower crown that was made by her and she kept it inside her drawer casting a spell which preserves it or doesn't let the flowers die or wither. The other maids did it too since it was a tier 1 spell, everyone could do it because it just requires a small amount of mana.

In this world, there are 7 tiers for spells. The first tier was basic and these tiers of spells require a small amount of mana. The second tier was a slightly basic and normal one and these spells require a normal amount of mana. The third tier was normal, it requires a normal amount of mana. The fourth tier is slightly above normal, it requires a high amount of mana. The fifth tier was hard, it requires a higher amount of mana. The sixth tier was very hard and difficult to do, it requires a higher amount of mana than the previous one and some could only do a basic sixth tier spell. And lastly, the most difficult tier of all was the seventh tier, it requires a tremendous amount of mana and the spells are very difficult to do.

There are also levels for a person. Levels are based on the amount of mana and the tiers of spells he or she can do. There are 7 levels. Level 1 is the most common level for females, they can only do tier 1 spells, the weakest of all. Level 2 is average, there are some females in here and some are males born in a low-class family, they can do tier 1 and 2 spells. Level 3 was normal, this level is where most males are and some are females. They can do tier 1-3 spells, females at this level are born in noble families, low-class noble families. Level 4, these are people who are able to do tier 1-4 spells, most people here are born in high-class noble families and from powerful bloodlines, most of the wizards, witches, and mages are in this level. Level 5 is the level for scholars, people with a high amount of mana and can do tier 1-5 spells, most of the emperors' levels. This is the level of the members of the Everly Bloodline and some other powerful bloodlines, some are witches, mages and wizards. Level 6 are people who are very powerful, most of them are powerful wizards, mages, warlocks, sorcerers and such. These are the levels of the Elders, the one at the palaces, who serve the emperors. And lastly, the most powerful of all, the 7th level. They say that these are the levels of the Gods and Goddesses. Only one person is at this level, a powerful wizard who lives in an abandoned castle whose name and face were unknown and disappeared without a trace, The Black Wizard.

Alexandra loves the mystery of the sudden disappearance of the famous Black Wizard which happened 100 or more years ago. Nobody knows if he or she is dead or alive.

If Harrison could do a complicated tier 4 spell, then he must be between the level 4 or 5 and that means he has a high amount of mana and he is still slowly recovering, does that mean that Harrison is a strong wizard? Nobody knows.

Alexandra, while reading the book, heard footsteps behind her but she just ignored it. Maybe it was one of the maids who came to the garden to breathe some fresh air or rest, it was still morning and they aren't that busy. However, she was wrong. As soon as she heard a familiar low voice behind her, her eyes widened in shock and even Therese who saw the person behind her was shocked also. Alexandra turned her head around meeting a pair of orange-colored eyes and dark brown hair.

There was a sword on his waist, he was wearing a knight's uniform with the familiar black and red cape, and he was wearing the golden crest which shows he was a knight. Alexandra gulped.

"Please pardon me for disturbing your peaceful morning. Your highness wishes to see the young miss, Alexandra," His voice rang inside their ears as silence surrounded them. Lysander, the knight who was with her a week ago was standing in front of her and Diana with a worried expression was standing behind him. She wasn't able to stop the knight. He was more powerful and he served under the emperor his self. What does he need this time? Is he going to kill me? Those thoughts lingered inside her mind as she stared blankly at the knight who was waiting for her to stand and come with him to the Diamond Palace.

She had the feeling that something would happen today but she just ignored it and brushed it off. She didn't expect this to happen. Her morning which was peaceful and quiet was ruined because of this.