Winter Star (5)

"Sure," Harrison responded in a cool manner as if it was nothing but for his friends, it was a big deal. Harrison is losing his mind because of the party, he never agrees to requests from girls nor we didn't saw him befriend a girl, Luke said inside his mind. His face was priceless, he didn't believe what was happening. Even Jerich too, alas, he has grown up and had taken an interest from a girl. Well, that wasn't the case, Harrison was interested in what power or magic she has or to know more of her background. It was unusual for the headmaster to allow a girl like her to enter the academy freely, not because he was interested in her in a romantic way. Besides…

"R-Really?!" Even Elise couldn't believe it. They were seatmates and not once they have talked with each other nor had physical contact. Harrison hummed as a response and the girl's eyes sparkled, she was glad that she can get along with him and maybe she can ask him on how to use magic properly and how to be strong or powerful like him. She really wants to improve her magic so bad and she even wondered why the headmaster asked her to go to the academy. Her father didn't tell her the reason and she was left confused. Harrison placed the paper bags down but Jerich decided to hold it for Harrison.

They started walking towards the dance floor and everyone's eyes are on them, the two being beautiful creatures walking together was an eye-catcher. Some of the girls and boys were jealous, some didn't care, and some were angry because of it. They stopped in the middle and faced each other. They bowed before they started to get into position. His hand on her waist while the other holds her hand while her other hand was placed on top of his shoulders. At the exact moment, the music changed into a rather calming and soothing one. "By the way, I am Elise Clarissa Greenwood. I am your seatmate and it's the first time we talk with each other," Elise started to talk. Of course, she knows what Harrison's name is but he still introduced himself but only told her his first name.

"Then I'm Harrison," He responded as they swayed and danced in a rather elegant yet carefree way. "Harrison Lawrence Costella, right?" Elise said as she smiled at him. Harrison hummed and he spun Elise around, her dress swayed or whirled along with her as she turned. "You are from a low-class noble family yet how did you enter?" Harrison got straight to the point and Elise was taken back from his question and accidentally stepped on his shoe which emitted a groan from him. "I'm sorry!" She said and panicked but they still continued dancing. Harrison didn't respond and just waited for her to answer his question, he was eager to know. There was something within her that he wants to know, the mysterious aura she held almost the same as Alexandra caught his attention and her abilities too.

"I also don't know," Elise responded with a gloomy expression as she averted her gaze and looked at the ground. Harrison's eyebrows creased. She doesn't know why? That's unusual, so she just entered the academy without knowing despite its reputation, he thought to himself. Her golden eyes somehow glowed and gleamed. Silence surrounded the two and Harrison just stared at her with a serious expression plastered on his face. She might be lying, he doesn't have other choices but to do this. "Elise," He called out to his name in a calm tone of voice and he gained her attention, she lifted her gaze and her golden eyes met his crimson ones. "W-What is it?" She asked wondering as she stared at his eyes that looked more fascinating and it glowed.

It will take time for my mana to recover but I need to do this, to satisfy my curiosity, he thought to himself. "Tell me the truth. Why are you here at the academy? What did you do to gain the headmaster's attention?" He said in a serious tone of voice, the atmosphere that surrounded them became cold and heavy, and Harrison seems like he was back at his original form. The powerful and ominous aura he held as he spoke surrounded him. For a second there, everyone felt a chill and wondered where it came from. Elise's eyes went blank there for a second as she responded, "I… W-Wait, w-what were you saying?" Her response shocked Harrison but he was able to regain his composure.

Wait, it didn't work on her? My spell didn't work on her? He thought to himself and decided to invade her memories but he felt a sharp pain in his head. Those two were powerful spells and it isn't easy to break or disobey but how was she able to do it? Not even a single person in his life was able to do it. He groaned in pain and Elise's expression became a worried one, "A-Are you okay? Was it because I stepped on your foot? I'm really sorry!" Elise said and they suddenly stopped dancing. It feels like he was the one being attacked, it seems like there was a barrier that was stopping him from doing it.

They walked back towards Luke and Jerich, the pain slowly subsiding as they walked. Luke and Jerich looked at them confused but when they saw Harrison making a painful expression, they became worried. "What happened?" Jerich asked in a worried tone of voice. Elise shrugged and Harrison blinked multiple times as he heaved the sigh, the pain eventually left after he used a simple spell. There was something inside Elise that stopped him from invading her memories or hypnotizing her. Not only that, those were spells that required a huge amount of mana and recovering it will take days. "Are you okay, Harrison?" Luke asked and he approached him with a worried expression on his face, he looked at Elise with a glare on his face.

"What did you do?" Luke asked but Harrison placed a hand on top of his shoulders and calmed him down. Seeing the usual expression on Harrison's face, his features softened and he calmed down. "Please, leave first. We need to talk about something," Jerich said in a gentle tone of voice trying to sound polite as much as possible. Elise looked at Harrison with a worried expression first before she turned around and left with a gloomy aura surrounding her.

"So what happened?" Jerich asked and looked at Harrison. "Did you found something about her?" Luke asked. Luke and Jerich also think that Elise was rather a suspicious and mysterious person, they thought why did the headmaster allow someone like her to be in this academy instead of the other academy which is for girls like her. They wondered why and was curious about her, however, they didn't try to pry around her private life, unlike Harrison. He heaved a sigh first and shook his head as he responded, "Unfortunately, no,"

"That sucks," Luke said and his shoulders slumped as if he was disappointed but he was worried at what she did to him, to why he came back suddenly groaning in pain and with a painful expression on his face. He was sure that something happened but Elise seems like she knows nothing and Harrison was confused as well. "I'm going home now, I need to rest," He said and he took the paper bag from Jerich's hand. He doesn't care about the party nor leaving a replica of him behind, he wants to go back because he still needs to do something.

"Okay…" Luke said and bid goodbye at him.

"Take care," Jerich said and Harrison waved his hand before he disappeared from their sight. He refused to tell them what he did to her because one of the spells he used was a dark one.


Back at Alexandra's Palace.

"Let the feast begin!" Diana said and everyone cheered as they started to take plates and get food from the table. They were really hungry and the food that was served was mouth-watering. Alexandra couldn't help but to gulp as she stared at the food hungrily while her personal knight decided to get her a share along with him, she doesn't need to stand up and she just needs to wait for him although she insisted at first telling him that she can do it. Christian was also in the same case, he was sitting beside her and his face was beaming with joy. Happiness was written all over his face as his eyes gleamed and sparkled while she stared at the scene in front of him.

He can't help it, it's his first celebration of the winter star, Alexandra thought to herself and couldn't help but to smile when she saw his expression filled with happiness and delight. My, my, he looked so pure and innocent, I want to pinch his cheeks really bad, she thought to herself and stopped the urge to do so. Carlos returned carrying a plate filled with her favorite food and he handed it to her as she mouthed a 'Thank you' with a grateful smile plastered on her small face.

The atmosphere of the place was very light and lively, it was clear that everyone was having fun based on the smiles plastered on their faces and the sound of their giggles and laughs which filled the room. The maids were wearing their casual outfit instead of their uniforms. Christian wished that this would also happen at their palace too but he knows that the chance of it happening is very low. "After we eat, we will go to the living room and exchange gifts!" Daisy and Mari said in a cheerful tone of voice, they were also excited since they bought gifts for one another. They hoped that it was something really useful. Alexandra also felt excitement rushed into her.

Alexandra and Christian talked about so many things as they ate and when do the winter star appears along with some facts about it. Unfortunately, the winter star first appears at midnight and will disappear the next night at the same time.

After an hour or two of eating in the dining room.

Everyone was already inside the living room looking for the gifts they bought. The first one to give a gift was Diana, almost everyone received a gift and thankfully, Christian also received one although it isn't that big enough since they just bought it yesterday. Alexandra also received one but she decided to open it later in her room. Next was Yulli and she did the same thing as Diana and it continued so on and so forth until it was time for Christian to give gifts.

He gave everyone a gift and they were really happy about it, the knights too also received one. Carlos wanted to shake it and guess what was inside but stopped the urge to do so because what if it was something fragile? Alexandra received one too but it was heavy although she was able to carry it. It was time for Alexandra to give her gifts, the maids were confused about how she was able to buy them gifts.

"I asked someone to do so, don't worry I didn't escape the castle or went outside," Alexandra said in a reassuring voice. Lies, she told herself. Thankfully, the maids believed her and relief washed over her face. She started to give her gifts to each one of them and they accepted it with a smile plastered on their faces. They were grateful and really happy, everyone received a gift except for Christian's personal knight since she didn't know that he had one and it's the first time they saw each other, what if he doesn't like the gift I bought for him?

"Mer… It was a very happy celebration and I am thankful that I get to celebrate it with you all," Alexandra said after she gave out her gifts and bowed for seconds which didn't shock the maids since they know that Alexandra was that kind of person who will always show gratitude or would respect a person whatever his or her status is. She almost said Merry Christmas though.

"We are also thankful, young miss. For the gifts that you have given us and spending your time with us," Diana said and bowed too along with the maids and Carlos which was shocking. Alexandra laughed awkwardly and watched them raise their heads. A smile plastered on each one of their faces. Christian couldn't help but smile too. Alexandra's eyes darted at Christian, "And also, thank you, brother, for accepting my invitation and celebrating together with us," Alexandra said and bowed at him.

Christian doesn't know how to react and just smiled at her, "Thank you too, I was very happy that you invited me and it was fun celebrating with everyone," He responded and Alexandra couldn't help but smile widely.