A Pleasant Morning (2)

Alexandra finished taking a bath and she was already dressed. She was wearing a red and white dress that reached her knees as always and on her neck was a red choker which was almost the same color as her dress. She was also wearing red flat shoes, her wardrobe is so vast and filled with dresses. Some were old and some were newly bought by the maids, Alexandra was amazed at how the newly bought dresses would always fit her perfectly. It also suit her tastes and would look good on her, well, one of the maids has good fashion taste. Too bad, she can't wear it until she becomes older because she would grow. It would be better if I can give these dresses to someone who needs it when I can't wear it anymore, Alexandra thought inside her mind as she heaved a sigh.

Alexandra's hair was currently being combed by Diana and she was sitting in front of a mirror, she watched Diana as she combed through her hair and did some things at it through the mirror. "Young miss, what hairstyle would you like?" Diana asked as she combed Alexandra's hair, her hair was so soft and smooth it was easy to style. Diana truly enjoys styling Alexandra's hair. Alexandra thought for a moment after hearing her question, "Something with braids since you are really good at it," Alexandra said in a cheerful voice, her smile beaming with joy and excitement. Diana smiled at her, "Then what about a half-up crown braid?" Alexandra just nodded when she heard what Diana said. She never heard that kind of hairstyle before and it seems like it will be the first time that she will have that hairstyle.

Diana started to do her thing while Alexandra just sat still there, afraid to move or else the hairstyle would be ruined. She just stared at the mirror and watched Diana with a delightful and satisfied or delightful expression plastered on her face as she was busy styling Alexandra's hair. Come to think of it, I rarely see Daisy, Yulli, and the other maids because of the things happening nowadays, Alexandra thought to herself as she recalled each one of their faces. The last time she spent time with them was on the evening of the Winter Star. Usually, at this time, they would be at the garden, courtyard, or kitchen doing their chores or tasks, Alexandra thought to herself. She decided to pay them a visit later after eating her breakfast, she misses them already.

Since Carlos became her personal knight, the maids wouldn't guard her anymore. However, they would still see each other when eating her meals, walking around the palace, or delivering some food but they barely talk. It was the same with Harrison, he wouldn't visit her in the morning when they are outside because of Carlos, it would be a great risk if he will see them together. It would surely reach their father's ears. Unless when Alexandra decided to remain inside her room, that would be a great time for Harrison to visit her.

"Ow, that hurts!" Alexandra accidentally yelled out loud because Diana accidentally pulled her hair hard. Diana panicked and quickly apologized at Alexandra loosening the grip on a strand of her hair as she did so but she was still holding it firmly. "I'm very sorry, young miss!" Diana said with an apologetic expression on her face, her voice sounded sincere and pleading. Alexandra just smiled awkwardly, "No, no, it's fine," Alexandra said.


After half an hour of styling Alexandra's hair, she admired herself in front of her mirror. Her hair looked elegant and it really suited her, the way it was braided was completely amazing. Diana truly has such amazing and talented hands, Alexandra thought to herself as her eyes twinkled like stars admiring her hairstyle. "Amazing, right?" Diana said when she saw the look on Alexandra's face. There was a gentle yet proud smile plastered on Diana's face. Alexandra turned her head and looked at her while she nodded multiple times before she got up her seat and ran towards the door of her room while Diana followed behind her giggling.

Alexandra grabbed the knob of the door and turned it to be greeted by Carlos standing just outside her room. Carlos heard the door open and he turned his head around, meeting Alexandra's eyes. Carlos smiled at her before he spoke in his gentle tone of voice, "Good morning, Miss Alexandra. Your hair looked amazing today, it suits you," Carlos commented on her and that made Alexandra's smile grew wide. "Good morning and thank you," Alexandra replied back and stepped aside as Diana emerged out of the door, leaving the room as she closed the door behind her. They started walking towards the stairs and head down to the dining room to eat breakfast as always.

Silence surrounded them as they went down the stairs, heading towards the dining room. The atmosphere that surrounded them was warm and bubbly as always, it lifted Alexandra's moon and was comfortable with it. Upon arriving at the dining room, her meal was already prepared and placed on top of the table. Alexandra could smell the mouth-watering aroma of the food and she walked towards her seat and climbed up the chair. Then she started eating quietly, the only sound that was piercing through the silence and can be heard inside the room was the sound of her utensils would make when they accidentally crash into each other or something like that.


Alexandra walked around the garden casually as she admired each one of the flowers. The scent which the flowers emit surrounded the whole place and wafted to her nose, it was sweet and alluring. A smile crept up Alexandra's lips as she walked around and roamed her eyes around. She felt nostalgia, it has been that long since she last walked around the garden like this. Well, she did walk around the garden before, 4 days ago when it was the first day of the winter star when she was with Christian. But they ended up running around and dirtied their selves.

Alexandra admired each one of the flowers, the flowers were just replaced yesterday, so she can't pluck out some flowers. That would be a waste, she thought to herself and heaved a sigh. Carlos quietly followed behind her and Alexandra roamed her eyes around, looking for someone's figure. She smiled widely when she saw that person watering the flowers not far away from them. It was Daisy and Yulli holding a hose and watering the flowers quietly. "Daisy! Yulli!" Alexandra called out to them as she ran towards them, her voice sounded energetic and cheerful as always, excitement laced her voice as she spoke.

The two of them turned their heads towards the direction of the voice and saw Carlos first then Alexandra next whose eyes were gleaming in joy and excitement, the expression that was plastered on her face was bright and joyful. Her gaze was warm and gentle and her smile was wide and beaming with joy. It feels like an arrow was sent right through their hearts when they saw Alexandra running towards them looking like that. If they could rate Alexandra's cuteness and beauty from the range of 1-10, they would pick 20.

I always see the young miss every day but I never get tired of her face, both Daisy and Yulli said inside their minds. "Yes, young miss?" Both of them said in unison as Alexandra stopped right in front of them. Alexandra smiled at them widely, "What are you doing?" Alexandra asked although she already knows what the answer is but that's the only thing she can think of at this moment. "We're watering the flowers, young miss," Daisy answered in a gentle tone of voice as she smiled back at Alexandra. Carlos just stood behind Alexandra watching the three of them have a conversation. Alexandra's eyes darted at the hose they were holding and at the flowers, they were watering as her mouth shaped into an 'o' while she nodded repeatedly.

"Then after this, we are going to pluck out the weeds that are growing inside the garden. Since there are no leaves because it's winter and the trees don't have those, we are going to rest," Yulli said in a gentle and calm tone of voice, Alexandra looked at her and smiled at her response. "By the way, young miss, did you see our gift for you?" Daisy asked in a curious tone of voice, hoping that Alexandra liked the gift that they gave to her. "It was the flower one, right? I love it! I placed it on my balcony and water it, you must have not seen it when you replaced the flowers because it was outside," Alexandra said in a cheerful voice, it was clear that she was excited and the way that she talked seems like she was talking about her favorite book. Daisy and Yulli couldn't help but giggle at her actions, she was way too cute. What about when she grows up? She would be such a beauty, those were one of the thoughts that were running inside their heads. "I'm glad that you like it, young miss," Daisy said.

Well, the gift was really expensive. Alexandra knows that since it was a rare type of flower which blooms with the help of mana running inside the roots and the stem of the flower. "By the way, young miss," Yulli called out to her and Alexandra hummed as a response. "Why are you here? I mean, I'm just shocked to see you walking around the garden. At this time, you would usually be at Diamond Palace except when they are preparing for an event or they are busy and in the afternoon, you would be there to have your tea party with your father," Yulli asked in a curious voice.

"I just wanted to see all of you and I miss walking around the garden, I have noticed that I was spending more time there rather than here," Alexandra said with a smile plastered on her face. It was a sweet and warm one. Her eyes smiled at them and it sent another arrow straight to their hearts. Imaginary flowers bloomed on her background and she was radiating this bright and bubbly aura. It has been a pleasant morning, I have been blessed by Alexandra, Daisy thought inside her mind and heaved out a satisfied sigh. "I see. I'm really happy, young miss," Daisy said.

"Well, I need to leave now. It was nice talking with you here, Daisy and Yulli," Alexandra said as she bowed before she turned around and started walking away. Carlos smiled at them and turned his back against them, following Alexandra. "You are really closed with your maids, miss," Carlos said out of nowhere. Based on what he observed, from the whole time he was with Alexandra, she showed that she had a great relationship with the maids. She even gave them gifts and talked with them in a polite tone of voice. Alexandra was really close to Diana, they were like mother and daughter.

"I have always been with them from the day I regained consciousness up until now. Let's say that they are like my family," Alexandra said in a gentle tone of voice, happiness laced her voice as she spoke and it was clear that she was happy and she had a fun time when she was with them. "By the way, I hope you will answer my question but it's okay if you don't want to," Alexandra's eyebrows slightly creased hearing him say that. His questions seem like it sounded serious, Alexandra thought to herself and slowed her pace down. "What is it?" Alexandra asked.

"You have mentioned that you had a friend, a friend who you asked to buy all of the gifts. I would like to know who he is," Alexandra completely stopped from her tracks and cursed inside her head. I know that someday he will ask me that question but this is not the right time to ask that.