
Also during that night, after Alexandra fell asleep and Harrison left.

Diana took long steps as she walked and made her way upstairs using the stairs. She was carrying two cups filled with tea which she just brewed recently. She was being careful as to not spill the tea all over and she would slip down the stairs. Eventually, after minutes of walking up the stairs, she finally arrived at her destination. The last floor of the palace where Alexandra's room can be found, well it occupied the whole floor, so it was the only room here. That's why Alexandra's room is big and wide.

Then she began walking once again, heading only towards one person who was leaning against the wall behind him. Although it was dark and there were only a few sources of lights and it didn't even lit the hallway that bright, Diana could see the expression plastered on his face. It looked gentle yet serious at the same time as if his guard was raised. When he heard the light tapping of Diana's slippers as she walked, he immediately turned his head in her direction, holding the hilt of his sword like he was ready to attack her. "Who's there?" He asked in a booming voice, it echoed around the hallway and it sounded deep.

"Chill out, it's just me," Diana said as she walked towards his direction. Carlos could see who that person was and he heaved a sigh of relief as he released his grip on the hilt of his sword. "What are you doing here, again? I told you that I can guard her room along with the whole palace and you don't have to roam around just to check if everything is still safe," Carlos said as he looked at Diana like he was bored on seeing her once again. "I am not here to do that. I'm just here to bring you tea," Diana said and raised the cup of her tea in her hands to show it to him as proof that she is only here for that. "I told you that you don't have to bring me tea every time you go here, it will only trouble you and I don't usually drink tea. I don't need it," Carlos insisted in a gentle voice.

"Do I look like I care or something? Besides, you shouldn't reject this since I made it for you, it's healthy and good for your body especially that you are still young, younger than me. It would be impolite if you reject it after it took me minutes just to make it," Diana said. She looked like a mom from the way she spoke and she acted when in fact, their age difference is 5 years. That is what she would usually do when she would roam around the place, after checking the kitchen, she would brew two cups of tea which she will bring upstairs on the last floor to give it to Carlos who was probably just standing in front of the room, not moving or doing anything except for guarding the outside of Alexandra's room. Although it looked like they don't get along in front of everyone, they act close and they can talk with each other normally when nobody is around. They don't know why they do that but it was just like their instinct or something. Or probably because he was a knight and she was a maid in front of everyone but they drop their titles when it is night and they are alone. Knights and Maids usually don't get along because of their differences in many things.

They would usually talk about some things like about their duties and how hard it is their past experiences which were embarrassing and annoying or would just tease each other with names when they got nothing to do. Their conversations would usually last for an hour before Diana goes back to her room to sleep since she still has to wake up early in the morning.

"And also, I have something to talk with you," She added. It looked like she was going to talk about something serious because of the change of her expression when she said that. Her face was dimly lit adding some small shadows on her face which made her look more serious and somehow scary as she slightly tilted her head downwards. Carlos stiffened before he relaxed, he stood straight up, not leaning against the wall anymore as he looked at her. "What is it?"

Diana let out a sigh before she spoke in a somewhat hushed tone, "I heard what his highness and the miss talked about earlier, I learned about because the miss told me," Diana said. He was able to understand what she was trying to say or what she wanted to ask. He let out a sigh before he responded to her, "About that, I was also shocked when he suddenly said that. He said that he doesn't want to keep Alexandra in the dark anymore since it would be hard and confusing if they learned about it later than that. The miss was still in the state of confusion and shock, so that's why she looked bothered or distracted. She was thinking about what will happen after that," Carlos said in a gentle voice as he recalled what happened earlier and what he told Alexandra after that.

"Yes, but after I told her something which you don't need to know what is it. It looked like she already made her decision, it seems like she is going to accept it or something," Diana said. "What, really? How did you know about that?" Carlos asked. "I have been with the miss for 7 years ever since she opened her eyes," Was what Diana said and Carlos just nodded his head repeatedly as he muttered an 'oh' which he said longer.

"Then what about it?" Carlos asked and averted his gaze, he looked at the wall in front of him as he waited for her response. "I am just worried for her and I might not be there when she would be introduced to everyone since I am busy and they would only require you, so as much as possible, I want you to encourage her and tell her not to be afraid even though I will say that to her before she goes or something. She might get anxious and afraid of how they would react because of her past experiences but I know, the young miss is strong and brave but still, I want you to be there for her not only as her knight but also as her friend," Diana said. She totally looked or acted like a mother from the way she spoke and how she was worried about her.

A gentle smile crept up his lips. "I already told you that before, I don't need to repeat it," Was what Carlos responded as he smiled at her.


It was that dream once again.

Alexandra opened her eyes and was expecting to see the white ceiling of her room but she only sees the vast and green meadow. A familiar scenery which she can't remember where she has seen it. She stood up from her position and looked around the place. Right now, she is currently under a huge tree. She was leaning against the bark of the tree earlier not until she decided to stand up. She wasn't sure if this was a dream or a fragment of someone's memory, she was sure that this isn't hers because she can't remember going at this kind of place once even though it felt familiar.

The atmosphere of the place felt warm and gentle. It was soothing, the breeze was gentle as if it was lightly touching her cheek and caressing it like how her mother would always do either when she wants to or she is worried for her. The place felt pure and odd, she was being overwhelmed by confusion as she looked around the place, wondering where she is. Did Harrison use his magic and did this to me? No, that's impossible because if he did then why?

This was the second time that she had this dream. The one happened probably yesterday or a few days ago, she can't clearly remember. She was about to walk around when she heard something which made her stop or prevent her from doing so. It grabbed her attention.

A voice.

It sounded so gentle, so warm, so sweet, and so pure. As if it was a mother singing to her baby or a popular singer singing a gentle song. It sounded powerful, it captured her heart and piqued her curiosity. Just like how familiar this place was, the song too sounded familiar to her ears. Although, she already knows that she heard that voice in her previous dream. The mysterious lady which she wanted to see before but she woke up afterward. Alexandra, wanting to see the owner of the voice, immediately went around the tree hoping to see the lady leaning against the bark of the tree.

But she wasn't there yet she can still hear the voice. She wondered where the voice is coming from and she looked around at her current location then saw the lady walking away from her. Her blonde hair swaying from side to side as she walked barefoot, she looked beautiful even if it was just her back she was seeing. Alexandra tried to call out for her but no voice came out, so she tried again and she failed.

Yet it seems like the lady heard her as she slowly turned her head around in her direction.

Then their gazes met. Her eyes were blue and it resembled the ocean, it was fascinating and enchanting as if she was seeing the sea itself. Even the lady was beautiful and breathtaking yet she looked familiar and before Alexandra could analyze her further, the lady said something which she didn't hear.

She blinked her eyes open. The white ceiling of her room greeted her sight and she felt her headache in pain. It was a stinging pain that took a long time to subside. Flashes of images appeared inside her head, the lady's blue eyes and blonde hair. Her serene and bright smile. That was the only thing she can remember from her dream, she doesn't know who that lady is although she looked familiar, as if she already has seen her multiple times.

As she was deep in thought, she didn't notice Diana's presence beside her. She was the one who woke Alexandra up and now the miss looked like she was confused and in pain. Diana called out to Alexandra using her name in a gentle voice which broke the silence that surrounded them ever since Alexandra woke up,

"Alexandra? Are you okay?"

Alexandra turned her head at Diana's direction, it looked like she calmed down already or something. Alexandra just nodded her head before she let out a shaky sigh. That dream is weird, she thought to herself.