He has Arisen

Sion's eyes flickered open, a low growl emanating from his throat as he took in the the fresh scent of blood. His tongue traveled along his lips as light filled his vision and soon enough a small cave with a barred door at the end became visible to him.

The Game Hub was visible all around. A mini-map with the fog of war. Skills, Spells, Character Status, etc. Everything was there.

"Hmm...?" the Dragon Lion hybrid took in the smell of blood once and then twice. He took deep inhalations and turned his head.

'Blood, why did it smell so intoxicating?' He thought as he turned and shifted his body. He had to be at least two feet in size. Perhaps he was a cub? There was this strange taste on his lips.

Cranking his head to the side, he finally realized he was covered in goo. Behind him was a massive twelve foot beast as bright as gold. It's body was moving slowly, breathing was beginning to cease. Yet it's glowing copper eyes rested on him lovingly, like that of a mother's gaze. Sadly, Sion didn't understand.

Yet the blood wasn't coming from her, he could smell it somewhere else. His eyes moved towards the front of the cave. He took in another deep inhalation. His claws settled into the dirt and stone as he slowly dragged them along the surface.

He could hear shouting, but there were no close captions, and it wasn't in English. Growling slightly in frustration, the small cub waddled over to the front of the cave. Pressing its face against the bars which kept it from leaving.

That was when he could hear something else apart from the shouting. Something much closer. Smaller. He could smell the blood, it was coming from beside him, behind a rock.

Taking a step back from the bars, he turned his head and locked his eyes on the small shape of a humanoid. A human teen with beautifully pale skin, black hair and upward slanted eyes and coal colored irises. They stared at the beast with fear.

Sion let out a slight growl, but it was quieter than the last growl it had let out earlier.

"D-d-don't come near me!" She squeaked, she was dressed in rags, her palm cut open by a curved blade. It was clear that she was planted here.

He took a step closer to the girl and she pulled her legs to her chest, trying to press herself against the wall. She craned her neck and tried to become one with her environment.

It was a fruitless attempt. There was no way she would be able to get away from a predator.

He brought his small face to the girl's hand which she threw out towards him, droplets of blood splattering on his face. Squinting at the human, he would lick her hand.

His golden eyes rested on her coal hues as they turned to look at him.

She blinked several times, watching as this new born beast licked her wound, nursing it even.

'Heal,' he'd cast a spell with a growl.

A magic circle surrounded the two, as green as antifreeze, little flickering orbs ambiently rising from the ground beneath them. Within a few seconds, the wound on the girl's hand was healed and the circle vanished as if it hadn't ever been there.

"What did you..." The girl stared at the creature with pearlescent midnight black scales and golden glowing eyes. "Did you just heal me?"

The creature known as Sion trilled at her, as if to give her an answer.

"You understand me...?" She slowly reached out towards the small two foot long dragolion. Then froze the moment the mother shrieked, warning the human.

Tilting his head curiously, Sion looked back towards the beast which had unbeknownst given birth to him. He then turned his head and looked at the bars at the mouth of the cave. His eyes locking onto various draconic shapes standing there, blocking out the light.

Tribal Kabolds stood there.

"The young one healed the hooman."

"Is the hooman, it's chosen?"

"Wasn't the Lord of the Dark supposed to eat the hooman?"

"Hoomans are food. Lord of the Dark, eat the hooman."

Sion had no idea what they were saying, but they were pointing at the girl in rags. He just blinked several times at them before waltzing over to the human he was slightly relaxed by the whimsical look on his face.

Like that of a house cat, or a small dog, he flopped across the girl's lap, his sticky wings fluttering about to rid of the fluid which covered his scales.

"Maybe he'll eat the hooman if we kill it."

"Don't touch the hooman! It may have chosen it as it's future bride."

"That's impossible! Hoomans are horrible."

"Maybe it's saving it for later?"

Sion still just laid there as it felt the hand of the girl on his head. Lightly petting his sharp scales, wiping the sticky fluid on her ragged dress. She was focusing just on him, trying her best not to pay attention to those whom had tried to sacrifice her to the monster now occupying her lap.

Closing his eyes partially as he heard her hum, his sight rested on the other dragolion in the back of the cave. She had since stopped breathing.

"The Goddess of the Light is dead!"

"Long live the Lord of the Dark!"

"The Goddess of the Light is dead!"

"Long Live the Lord of the Dark!"

The chanting went on for hours and yet he just lay there. Feeling and absorbing the warmth from the girl who only seemed to hold onto him tighter and tighter.

Trilling quietly, Sion finally blacked out. Sleeping, he clung to the girl's legs, his claws digging into them shallowly. As she shifted and the scent of blood reached his nose, his eyes opened again.

The Kobolds were all there, watching. Women, men and children. Even the Elderly were present, observing silently after the chanting was all finished.

Yawning, sharing the sight of his teeth with onlookers, he would open his inventory which was only visible to him. That's when a juicy slab of steak appeared in front of him as he summoned it from his inventory and summarily gobbled it down.

"..." the Kobolds were astounded, dumbfounded and in complete awe. Food had just appeared before their Lord Sion.

The girl herself had wide eyes as the food had appeared at random. She herself though then licked her own lips as she scratched him behind the ears.

Almost rolling his eyes into the back of his head, Sion would rapidly shake his head before looking over at her. He could see the look in her eyes and due to his proximity to her, he could even hear her stomach. It was growling.

He licked his nose, moistening it, then squinted his eyes slightly at the feeling and taste.

'Why'd I just do that?' He appeared confused for a few moments before shrugging it off.

Going through his inventory, he found a vegetable stew. Selecting it, the food appeared in a wooden bowl situated on the floor of the cave directly beside the girl.

When he shifted his head to look at it, the girl followed his gaze and her jaw almost fell to the ground. When she revealed her teeth, they weren't perfect, but they weren't horrible either. If she was in a modern world, she'd probably have braces, but of course that wasn't the case here.

With both hands she would pick up the wooden bowl and bring the edge to her lips. She didn't even bother to smell the food, or to test it on her lips. Mushrooms, pot roast, gravy, carrots, and numerous vegetables.. She began to slurp it down.

Sion laughed, though to others it looked like he was hyperventilating, despite the fact that all his teeth were being bared in a massive smile.

"The Dark Lord is Amused?"

"He's laughing at the hooman?"

"Why is he feeding the hooman?"

"Where did he get hooman stew?"

"The Lord of the Dark is benevolent..."

When the girl was finished lapping up the food from the wooden bowl, the item vanished from her hand, reappearing in his inventory as an empty bowl.

She stared at her hands and then glanced down at the Dragolion. "Did you take the bowl?" She seemed to smile as the Dragolion appeared to be nodding to her.

"The hooman can talk to the Lord?"

"It can! It can!"

"I want to talk to it!"

"No I do!"

His golden eyes shifted to the creatures outside the cave with a brow cocked in a confused manner. What were they shouting about? The small dragolion burped before closing its eyes and resting on the human's lap again as she rested her hands on his back.