Hold and Discard

Akazaka Minato moved the two followers, which is not difficult for a person who is so fluent in the technique of "Lightning Shadow Dance" like him.

"Lightning Strike" allows a user to teleport to any place he or she thinks of, with unlimited scope so its range is virtually endless. The problem here is to choose and imagine exactly where you want to teleport to.

Minato moved two more people along with him, though he wasn't very willing, because one of them was a troublesome woman line.

One was the Queen of Nahema - Ciliegia Scorpo in a dying state. To be frank, she was the "troublesome woman" that he wanted to avoid the furthest.

The other is Yubet Lunar Hepburn. Although she and Rino are sisters, their looks are not the same, even though they are very beautiful. It's unbelievable when the blonde sister and her sister are brown, maybe their father married the two? Probably not, right?

The three of them were in a garden northeast, quite far from the emerald palace - where Rino stayed behind to clean the masks.

He could not stay to help Rino, because she had entrusted him with escorting these troubled ladies. Come on, just this once. Anyway, she was stronger than him, staying here would help. Maybe she will catch up soon.

The sunset-colored girl, Yubet, carried the pregnant woman who was bleeding continuously on her back, then she laid the pregnant woman under a tree. She gently wiped the sweat off the forehead of that frail young woman - who was in critical condition. Her face was white, constantly sweating, breathing hard, her body was cold.

Even though she stopped the bleeding for her, it was all for nothing.

- Probably won't hold the baby.

Minato, the black-haired man watched for a while, then came to a conclusion that interrupted her thoughts. She was not too pleased with that conclusion, either way he concluded it was true.

Even though the child may be born but very weak, there is a possibility of premature death. Even the life of the mother will be at stake. She was in a dilemma, not working, not getting back.

Keep mom or baby?

- I was useless.

Yubet tormented herself even though it wasn't her fault. She always thought that she was useless and could not do anything, could not help anyone.

Called the "genius magician" of the illustrious Hepburn family, she could not save a person when they were in critical condition. Such useless and unworthy people do not deserve that honor.


Hearing the sound, she turned around to see the movement where Minato pulled a short knife and headed towards the bush.

As expected, a shadow leaped out.

No one else is the head mask with the black tattered cloth costume. It seems that he has to work hard to escape from Rino's sights.

- You take care of the Queen treatment, he let me worry.

He said, without even looking back at Yubet. His attention now focused on the mask - His opponent for the next few seconds.

Accepting the trust, Minato promised Rino that he would protect the two, so he could not let her down.

- I've never met you before.

The masked name was wary of Minato's presence. He had never seen anyone in an outfit with a strange mark on the other lap and more specifically, deep blue eyes. It was something that only the people of the great Hepburn family owned at Utherworld.

But that family had almost no survivors, except Rino and Yubet still alive to this day. Who is this black haired guy?

Not wanting to gossip with this masked man, because it only wastes more time, he says:

- We don't need to know each other.

- That's right, I'm going to see you off to heaven.

The extravagant aura of the masked man only made people boiled blood, but it was not enough for him to distract.

At this time, he gradually found it impossible to fight and talk to Minato mentally.

He had no other way, without hesitation jumping up and swinging his sword towards the person in front of him. Recklessly attacking like this is not a good strategy, but that black haired guy doesn't bring good melee weapons. Face-to-face attack is the last resort the mask name chooses.


The sound of weapons clashing to deafening. The masked man widened his eyes at the weapon blocking his blade. His vertical slash was blocked by Minato's fancy weapon - the Elohim double-edged sword that Rino gave him, now he had a chance to use it.

The masked man tried to hit his stomach with his other hand but Elohim's two tongues promptly activated the "Sword" mode. Elohim's blade burst out and grazed the arm of the masked man, his black cloak ripped and splattered with blood.

His reflexes were a bit slow, not sure what to do in this situation.

Minato took the opportunity to accumulate Toge in his palm into a red sphere.

- Fire lighting Wind! 

He rushed forward and pushed the red sphere like a ruby ​​stone, causing it to hit the mask's abdomen.

Due to the physical catalyst, Xich Van Hoan created a big explosion, even repelling the mask name at least 30m. Before he could stand up steadily to continue the fight, a very small "squeaky" sound came from behind him.

When he tilted his head slightly to the back, he could only see the faint trace of black hair.

- Inflammation.

Minato has moved behind him since he didn't know about it.

In the end, he felt only his entire body hot, limbs limp and soft, unable to resist as the bone marrow was melting. The image of the black-haired young man standing looking at him engulfed in flames was also black. No, it was he who was swallowed up by that fire.

After all, only a pile of ashes remained. The passing wind blew away.

Inflammation is something like fire, but it is not fire. It carried the dark black color of the night sky, the tremendous heat to make everything turn into ashes as the masked man earlier in an instant.

This match, Minato won so easily.

"Well done, Mr. Akazaka"

Observing it all, Yubet gave a compliment to the Master from the parallel world. After all, the mask was just a regular soldier and Minato followed the fast finishing policy.

- Now you should go and support Rino, I'm afraid she can't control it ...

- Dark Ifi?

Minato interrupted her words.

Yubet is quite surprised because people from the parallel world know about Dark Ifi, maybe he knows about "That" too.

Minato reassured:

- Don't worry, Rena can control it.

- I hope so. But how could you call her Rena?

She was a little curious about this name.

Basically everyone calls her older sister "Grand Duke", "Mr. Marena" or, more briefly, "Vento". Her older sister also had a nickname that was only used when she was a child "Rino". Very few people know about it, only people who are really close call her sister "Rino".

As for "Rena", besides the late father, no one dared to call it. Someone used to say "Rena" and now nobody sees that person again.

- I think it's good to read.

Minato replied, though his reasons were arbitrary and bullshit. If you like it then call it, you have to think a lot.

Yubet smiled, her hands still engrossed in the unconscious Queen:

- Her birth name is Rena. And that name is known only to family members.

She paused in the middle of the sentence and looked at the black-haired man, and continued:

- If she did not object, perhaps she considered him a family member? Huh?

- Probably not.

He had never thought that a name would be so serious.

Yubet covered her giggling mouth, her dusk eyes were extremely shady:

- Should I call you "Brother-in-law", Akazaka Minato? "

- Oh? My dear sister is thinking too much, right?

The quiet voice concealed the awkward face of the person behind Yubet. The person's eyebrows twitched slightly, glaring at her with sharp eyes.

- Sister ...

Her smile was twisted, her teeth trembling slightly as if clashing.

Dead, missed the mouth, what to do?

Her mind was screaming, maybe she had heard no words. How to deny it now?

Ignoring the joke of Yubet, the blonde-haired girl also had raindrops facing the woman under the tree.

- How's Scorpo?

- Hold the mother or baby.

She answered briefly. This was the most difficult option in a job of a Magician. Because any choice has consequences that no one wants to suffer.

Looking at Rino, only to see her shaking her head tiredly, because she herself was the Grand Duke was not so wise to make the choice to decide who to stay.

In short, need to consider carefully.

But if the insiders make the decision, it will be better than the outsider.

No matter how cruel it is ...

- Keep Scorpo, get rid of the fetus.