
Beep! Beep!'.

Lying on the bed with a pale face, Her long lashes, fragile face, and pale soft lips.

A teen girl was sound asleep in the hospital bed.

Then a nurse went inside, humming a lullaby mindlessly while checking the patient's records and condition, similarly as before she opens the curtains for sunlight to enter.

The warm sunlight lessens the cold atmosphere.

While humming she noticed with her sharp eyes, the patient's finger move for a moment.

The nurse waited while doing so she took a clean glass and put water in it putting at the side table near the bed.

Still humming the lullaby she informs the doctor as the VIP patient will be waking up shortly.


It's so dark... I was then dazzled by the bright light I saw, I blink twice when I saw my surroundings. I'm surprised.

'Where am I?'

The dark blue sky is full of thousands of stars I've never seen like this in real life.

'Why do I feel like I've been here before?'

She looked around left and right, front and back. She put her finger under lips contemplating if, 'I been here or not.'


I looked back in confusion. 'Someone knows my name? But who?'

"Please forgive him. I didn't know that he..."

The person I thought calling me, was not me it's another girl has a bone-chilling aura surrounding her, and her back facing me has loneliness, saddened me quite a bit like she's alone and no one she can trust...

Sadness and regret were written all over his face. 'Wait he love her? What's going on with people recently? this isn't a stage play, is it? I'm already fed up with that.'

Not wondering why she's there. She doesn't even care where she was!


"It's okay, I can bear with it..." She said. Still facing her back from the man in black and Ayesha.

However, Ayesha is still in her own little world, still rattling the two in her mind. She doesn't seem to care what the girl said.


The man shocked by her word and said "What do you mean you are running out of time!?" the man shouted desperately asking her.

Alarmed at the man's shout. Ayesha has gone back to reality. 'running out of time?..... Hmmm...'

"Please forgive him. I didn't know that he..."

'His eyes. it caught my eyes and his over handsome face😍 and.....? he's wearing that God's nowhere it is, but he's wearing a full raven color get up.


'Oh! come on! Why don't you just confess to her if you love her? Even if it's quite weird that you love, have the same name as mine, and why is this girl so blind to his feelings. Can't she see it? or she's just a plain stupid blind?...' while she's ratting him and the woman in her mind, minding her own world.

Not even wondering why she's there. She doesn't care where she was!

"It's okay, I can bear with it..." Yesha said. she left in the darkness.

Still, Ayesha regardless in her little world, rattling the two in her mind. She doesn't seem to care what the girl said.


The man alarmed by her word and said "What do you mean you are running out of time!?" the man shouted, desperately asking her.

Shocked. Ayesha has gone back to reality. 'running out of time?..... Hmmm...'

'If I'm in her situation. There's only one situation she's running out of time it's either she's going to die or going to die!' Delighted by her reasoning. She clapped two times in happiness, giggling.


'in my next life, I will not let you go...' The man sigh. As a que, he left.

'He left!?'

Panic filled my every bit of blood and looked behind my back where the man who-didn't-confess left to.

Gasp. Wow. Beautiful. Gigantic. 'Where the heck am I?'

(Now you ask! tsk! Not telling!)

'The gigantic beautiful palace is HUGE!'

'Not gonna lie. If I lived there like a princess at that, I'll order every bit of food is available and sleep in the fluffiest bed there. Then sell the huge castle. Done!' Agreeing with her thoughts.

Humming in giddiness she started skipping to the palace.

Then a shout echoes through every inch of the palace.

"No! My food! My fluffy bed! Don't leave mommy! Huhuhu!

Cause after hopping a few times to the palace it started to crumble!

Yes! Destroyed!

After that, the scenery started to change.

She looked at what's in front of her in horror!

A man in front of her. No, it's not a man. It's a face made by... Ahhh floating water.

That gentle jadeite purple eyes staring right through her soul, made me close my eyes.

It gives a headache and she unexpectedly screamed from the sharp pain in her head, the blurry figure of the man's face, but his eyes every detail of it is quite clear.

My chest hurts.

She holds her chest and bit her lower lip, and took a deep breath.

After a few moments of silence, I heard the sound of flipping. I opened my eyes out of curiosity and saw a book. 'A freaking floating book.' I read a few quantities of text.

It then shut off itself, I stared at it for a breath sec, then I immediately tried to touch it as fast as I can.

When her hand is about to touch the floating book, it disappears out of strange light to her chest.

Furthermore, she saw a shadow figure below her and looked up, she gasps in amazement at the ethereal beauty floating up in the air,

'I think I saw her before, and now she's disappearing too, just like the book and my castle!'

But what is that falling shiny thing above my head? I ready myself waiting for the painful part, shutting my eyes then I heard a 'plop', echoes through my ears.



I rose from the bed and cold sweats appeared in my back and sucked the air greedily.

'That dream....' her eyes focus on her skin, she's shaking to the core

Drops of sweat appeared on her forehead.

'Those dreams...'

I looked outside of the window, and warm sunshine shines through the room.

'Are they real?'