Small Steps

"Is that all you wanted to ask?"


"If that's the case, how about you let me ask you a question then. Only seems fair."

"That's fine."

Hearing her reply he stopped to think for a couple of seconds how exactly he wanted to word it or even approach the subject of taking her along with him until he realized he could probably ask the same question she did and see her thoughts a little bit before asking her to come with him if it seemed in his favour.

"Well what about you? you saved me right but what are you going to do after this, anything in mind?"

When he said that he quickly noticed her slightly freeze up for a noticeable second then return to normal like nothing happened and when into thought. He waited there staring at her while she continued to think assumingly for a couple of minutes.

"Hmmm...what am I going to do you ask, that's a tough one really. I've lived my whole life in this forest honestly and before I couldn't transform into a human like I can now so it's kind of hard to think of such things."

"Wait you couldn't transform into a human before?"

"Yes that's correct I was only able to do this recently. but it never mattered to me before to do such a thing anyway."

"Well what did you do in the forest to pass your days before?"

"After becoming strong enough to fend for my life I eventually took on the habit of watching humans visit the forest and besides that nothing else."

Hearing that slightly shocked him. He never expected her to have that kind of hobby but it would explain why she knew he was in the forest if she was keeping an eye on it the whole time waiting for people to show up in it. But it seemed kind of a bad thing to do because at the end of the day 99% of the people that would have showed up in the Myriad Forest weren't going to be good people.

"how old are you by the way?"


If he was slightly shocked before he was exasperated now. She only looked like she was in her late teens at best but she was actually 30 years old. But the part that bothered him the most out of that statement meant for years on end she had been watching humans or animals interact most likely all by herself. Which made him pretty sad thinking about. If he was lonely for the length of time he had lived so far then what about her. Though she might of put less attachment on such things whether she had no knowledge of it or other things that might of made it easier but still it was hard to hear that she was like that this entire time.

"What kind of people did you see, Hopefully not all the bad ones."

He said it with a more joking tone but at the end of the day he was new to that kind of tone so it just came out slightly more stiff then he intended. He looked at her to gauge her reaction but all he saw was her blankly staring into space as if she fell asleep with her eyes open only to quickly shake her head afterwards and straighten up once again.

"Haaaa...I did."

"W-wait really?"

It turned out his joke wasn't so funny after all.

"I observed humans that would attack me from humans that would do all sorts of other atrocious things like kill their companions with them, Run from danger and abandon others to people who just seemingly loved violence. I saw a lot and in all actuality you're the first one i've met that's not like that."

"Oh that...must of been pretty lonely I guess."

"Was I lonely you say, I don't really know if it's right to put it like this but I was always looking for something interesting to see but other then that I don't think I was lonely."

"Well I'd say that's still being lonely."


Learning what she did or the life she lived gave him a little more confidence in what he wanted to ask. Hopefully it would go alright.

"Do you want to go back to doing such a thing now or have you also changed with the events that have happened for the past couple of years and the last week?"

Hearing him ask her that slightly got her hopes up for what he was about to say. While she might not of been to direct with what she said or felt, living the way she lived and returning to that kind of thing wasn't something she wanted to do at all. In fact she even wanted to ask him herself to come with him. She had gotten used to living with him over the past two years and after she had experienced that she didn't want to go back. This was her perfect chance for her to hopefully be with him from now on.

"Haha if you ask me such a thing boy it might be a little forward but I'd have to say no I don't want to go back to such a tiring boring thing. I hate it honestly."

"Well that's good to hear. It looks like one of has had a change of mindsets after all Ha."

"But why do you ask such a thing boy?"

"Because I was hoping that you could come with me and leave this forest on my journey let's call it, What do you say."

With that said he turned to her and while he still had some slight fears of what the answer would be he still resolutely faced it in hopes it would be what he wanted and well he might not of said the complete truth to her, he definitely wasn't lying either. Though it seemed like it took her a couple of seconds to reply which did slightly worry him but in reality she was just so elated that it took her a second to get her act together and reply to him and it was definitely going to be a yes, it was exactly what she wanted and that made her happy.

"I guess I wouldn't mind going with you together to see the world. These past two years for me definitely haven't been a bad experience so far and I wouldn't mind continuing them either boy, so yes I'll come."

Hearing that made him happy himself so much he moved his body a little to much and ended up wincing in pain.
