Having said that Xilo knew there was still going to be a lot of troubles down the road for them. Seeing as neither of them had any experience with things like love it was bound to be difficult but something he would probably enjoy in the end. "This is going to make this journey of our's a whole lot more...Headache inducing." With a small laugh to himself he finally let go of Xelfia's hand and cheek and backed away finally.
"So what now?"
That was the biggest question on Xelfia's mind and now that she had been released from his grasp she could finally ask it.
"you sure get straight to the point don't you."
"I didn't like the feeling of avoiding conversations from before so I'm trying to change that. It sucked."
"I see, that's probably something I need to get better at as well. But for what now? We will sleep soon since we'll be going to Belturn's Astral Zone in morning for our training in a little bit. But if you're talking about us then only time can tell. I mean we've gotten this far already right and it's only the beginning. We have all the time in the world."
Saying that Xilo sat on his bed and began to lay down against the wall getting ready to sleep. He might not have needed sleep everyday but it wasn't something he wanted to ignore if he had the choice and he was feeling tired. Seeing Xilo casually lay down on his bed though Xelfia did something he didn't expect in the slightest.
"I suppose you're right. Are you prepared for tomorrow? It'll be a long day."
As she said she slowly walked over to his and sat down beside him on his bed as well. Seeing that Xilo didn't know what was exactly going on.
"Umm, what are you doing?"
"Hmm? getting ready to sleep of course what else?"
"Yes I can see that but you know this is my bed right?"
"Duh, I'm not an idiot I can see that."
"So why don't you go to your bed then?"
"Because I'm sleeping with you of course."
Xelfia said that as if it was perfectly normal and natural for her to do such a thing and to her it was. She had been Sleeping beside him every night so far so she didn't see why she would have to change that all of a sudden. Though it was the first time Xilo was fully aware of her sleeping beside him because he had already fallen asleep or been too tired to care the other times it happened. Well Xilo might have gotten used to a lot of body contact with Xelfia lately he wasn't ready to sleep together like it was normal.
"No, no you have your own bed, go there."
Firmly denying such an occasion he tried his best to sound as stern as possible but alas he had forgotten who he was dealing with. The likelihood of getting Xelfia to listen to him when it wasn't important was basically zero and just because she confessed it didn't mean she would change. Looking over at the other bed on the side of the room Xelfia wondered what to do for a couple of seconds before an idea came to her mind. Releasing some of her Astral Energy towards the bed and showed Xilo her idea with a slight smirk. Gawking at her Xilo was speechless
"I'd have to pay for that...."
"Oh would you? Oopsies."
With a mischievous grin she turned to face Xilo knowing full well what she could do. Releasing a sigh Xilo was left speechless at the shamelessness she was currently showing but he was used to these kinds of things.
"Fine, you win, You can stay here.
"Yay, Now was that so hard."
Slightly rolling his eyes he laid back down.
Seeing him openly agreeing to her she was satisfied. Turning she sent a strand of her energy and lightly turned the lights off in the room and laid down beside Xilo and snuggled up beside using him as a pillow like she had done in the past. Feeling the warmth of his body pressed against her Xelfia was finally fully satisfied as she immersed herself in the feeling and slowly fell asleep with XIlo comfortably in her arms. Leaving a young man with a woman pressing her breasts and legs over him in the middle of the lone night. His thoughts slowly traveled further and further towards the more perverted side as time passed on that disrupted him from sleeping. "Haaa..It's going to be a long night isn't it...Did I make a mistake?" Slightly regretting given in to Xelfia's whim's he knew he was in for a long night. Eventually he slowly wrapped his arms around her body and fell asleep later into the night.
With the sun slowly starting to shine through their window Xilo was the first one of them to wake up in the morning. "Thankfully I could actually." Rubbing his eyes and releasing Xelfia from his grasp he
untangled himself from her grasp in hopes of not waking her and went to the bathroom to get changed and prepared for the new day ahead of them. When he exited he was greeted by the sight of Xelfia awake waiting for him to exit.
"Good morning. Sleep okay?"
"Yep just fine, you?"
"Good enough."
Slightly confused at the answer she passed him and went to the bathroom herself to prepare and eventually exited a few minutes later.
"Ready for today?"
"As I'll ever be. Hopefully I can get to the Transformation Stage Today. I am pretty close now after all."
"That would be fun."
The two now ready walked out of their room and down the steps to the front entrance and main hall and walked out the door only to interrupted a little after they had left
"Hey Handsome."
A woman was standing behind them that they both recognized.