Where Are We?

Waking up once again in that same dark place Xilo felt a little pain still running through his body but for the most part he felt a lot better than before. He didn't know exactly how long he had slept but with how serious his injuries were before and how they were mostly healed now he could at least assume more then a couple days even longer than a week however that was only a guess. Looking up at that red hair that dangled slightly in front of his face he saw Xelfia staring at him just the same as before. Taking in the sight he started to sit up and stretch his body.

"How are you feeling now?"

"Fine for the most part but I think you should get some sleep as well I'm sure you're tired staying awake all this time."

"Don't worry about it, I'm fine"

Feeling a sense of loss when Xilo left her lap she Looked at him and knew he was worried about her but she wasn't lying when she said that. She wasn't tired in the slightest and if she wanted to she could easily go even longer though that didn't mean she was keen on it. She just wanted to escape wherever this place was as soon as possible. Seeing her confident smile Xilo decided to not push it anymore and looked around as far as he could however there was only darkness in his sight and some rocks blocking the only way out. "We really are stuck here aren't we. If only..." Remembering what led to this moment Xilo felt a mixture of emotions and pushed it out of his mind. Right now he seriously didn't want to think about it. He could leave that for after they actually got out of here alive.

"So how's your strength feeling now Xelfia?"

"Fine now for the most part, enough to help at least."

"Are you telling me the truth this time?"

With some anger sliding in his voice he spoke but afterwards instantly regretted it. He was just worried about her like she was worried about him.


Xelfia tried to defend herself and speak but her voice ended up trailing off before she even began. She wasn't lying the first time around when she said she was okay. At the time she had felt a little strange but she figured it wasn't anything to worry about and didn't speak up about it but that turned out to be an almost fatal mistake so she could understand why Xilo wanted to be sure this time around. Moving forward a little she slowly grabbed Xilo's body and threw her arms around him as she buried herself in him. Resting her head on his shoulder she softly spoke up what she felt.

"I wasn't lying before but I didn't think it was anything at the time."

Feeling her arms around him he returned the hug as he heard her voice enter his ears. It seems she mistook his anger as genuine anger towards herself and not him just being overly worried. "I really need to think sometimes." He knew he wasn't the best at expressing himself sometimes and it was one of his bigger downfalls but that wasn't an excuse and now he had hurt someone he was supposed to love. "Pathetic Indeed." Mocking himself he tried to fix the situation.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I was just worried that's all and I let it get the better of me. I'm just not the best at these things..."

Shivering lightly at the sound of voice brushing her ear, Xelfia tried to keep herself together and keep a tear from falling. Feeling her shake in his arms he held still as they both silently sat there in each other's embrace for a couple of minutes. Unfortunately it would have to end at some point. Feeling Xelfia detached herself from him, Xilo almost wanted to stop her but managed to let her go and face her.

"I know and it's okay. I just wanted to say that and don't worry when I say I"m fine this time around."

Finally since the first time he had woke up he saw a smile on Xelfia's face. Seeing her smile like that he almost forgot about the situation they were in as he himself smiled and composed himself better.Now with that out of the way they could finally work on getting out of here.

"That's good to hear. Now we just got to figure a way out of here. Got any ideas?"

"No, not really. I can fight those creatures out there but I don't know how much are out there after this bunch nor how long we would have to fight."

"Can you tell me how much of them out there right now and their strength?"

"There's five from what I can tell and all fifth or sixth stage but that doesn't mean there isn't more."

"They're that strong!?"

Hearing the number of them Xilo wasn't too worried but when Xelfia said how strong they were he was slightly surprised. "What exactly is this place then?" With such high strength people have had to have known about this area beforehand but whenever he tried to think back on all the information he had learned he couldn't recall anyone talking about an area that was underground in the Astral Zone which worried him.

"Do you think we can escape the way we came?"

Voicing his thoughts he asked Xelfia.

"Probably not and at most it will be a long climb that might not even be possible. If anything we should keep that as a last resort method and see what we can find down here."

"You're right."

Thankfully Xilo wasn't too worried about it. With Xelfia's strength she should be able to help out quite a bit with this situation while he backed her up making sure she was safe. "If we go about it the right way escaping should be easy. Just a matter of finding the exit." Though that was just in theory and not in practice.

"Are you able to smash the rocks blocking us in?"

"Yes I should be able to."

"Alright then, You smash them as quickly as possible while I'll distract the Astral beasts outside. After you're done that you can kill them off while they're distracted. After that we'll figure it out from there but we need more information first. So in a way this will be a test of sorts."

Thinking about it Xelfia took a second but overall she agreed with him. "Not like we have another choice really." Laughing at the thought she agreed.

"Sounds like a plan then."

Standing up she walked with Xilo to the front entrance where it was blocked and raised her fist gathering as much power as she needed. Watching Xelfia prepare himself Xilo did the same as he got ready to bolt out and distract the five and keep them off Xelfia to give her enough time to attack. Whatever comes after this wasn't going to be easy but they had to escape.


With that one boulder bursted into pieces as all the beasts around them were alerted.