A New Look

After spectating all the fights she could Tearia had to fight another four fights herself before the end of the day. For the most part though she didn't find herself struggling with the first three fights but on her fourth fight she was forced to struggle a little bit. It was another girl who excelled in swords that forced Tearia into a tough situation. "Maybe if she had a better element or path it would have been my loss." Well she wasn't sure about the second part since she didn't get the chance to see the girl's Astral Ring. She still had a hunch she was an Elemental Path type and combined with water against her own Lightning it was just simply not a good time for the poor girl.

"But at least I made it into the top 63 people.." The last fight was a fight of the last one hundred twenty five people left. Of course one person was given a pass to the next set randomly just like someone else would again in the batch of fights tomorrow until they were left with the last thirty people. "Still I didn't think I'd get this far." Every fight she won had sort of felt like a dream to her. It just never occurred to her that she could do such a thing herself and it continued to shock her. "But the real fights start tomorrow So i shouldn't get to ahead of myself." With the numbers being shaved off all that was left now was essentially the best of the best.

"Tearia we're leaving now."

"Oh sorry coming."

Turning to her Grandparents she walked up to her Grandfather holding out her hand and waiting for them to leave. Grabbing her hand soon they were flying through the sky once more as they headed back to the Inn for the night. Looking down at the ground below she watched as thousands of people left this place in high spirits or low spirits as the day came to end. "...." But she didn't feel much as she floated throughout the air as she felt herself getting more tired than she thought she was. "Whoa...." Watching the world begin to spin around her a bit it took a second to come back to normal. "Maybe I tired myself out way more than I thought." She thought she still had plenty of energy but now that it was over she felt like just collapsing, thankfully soon they would be home.

After arriving home and talking a little more about the competition Tearia headed to her room not even bothering to change her clothes as she collapsed on her bed ready to sleep. "It's been a long day." Sighing, she closed her eyes and soon sleep took over her body. She needed as much as rest as possible for tomorrow after all.

Soon daylight began to rise as the same pattern repeated itself though this time it was a little bit more grand. More people began to show up as all the Clan Leaders and officials showed up at the front door of the Selturn Residence.

Since it was the finals now a lot more people cared about the results and of course Selturn also cared more about their appearance so they made sure everything was ready for this event throughout the whole night. With all that going on Tearia also woke up rested as she gave up caring to change before heading downstairs to the same familiar sight as the day before they got ready to leave. The only difference that they saw was people beginning to fly through the air at slow speeds while they kept themselves hidden.

"How can it be worse than yesterday..."

Staring at the ocean of people below her Tearia didn't know what to think. "They make yesterday's group of people look like a small lake." But maybe that was to be expected.

"You should get used to it with these kinds of things. After all this isn't that bad in comparison to some of the crowds I've seen."


"Haha don't be scared now. You've made it this far Tearia now it's time to see how far you can take it. Who knows maybe you'll win?"

"That'd be nice but I doubt it Grandfather."

"Well It's nice to think about no?"

"I guess.."

"Then stay positive and try your best. That's all you can do."

"I'll try..."

Trailing off they eventually made their way to the Selturn Residence but it looked completely different then yesterday. Once they finished entering they made their way towards the same place as before but Tearia almost didn't recognize the place. All the arena's of yesterday were gone as they were replaced by thirty two new ones that we're raised off the ground with mini walls on the edges of each as well as Three Referee's were placed at each one. The spectator stands almost tripled in size as they were elevated as well with almost thirty rows compared to yesterday's 10 rows as they encircled all the arenas in the middle.

The entrance had a giant dragon coiling around it that matched the colour of the rest of the place as it shined silver and a dark black as well as the exit on the other side while the Participant area had become its own small spectator stand with names plastered in each section that gave enough room to have people with you. while also placing it in an area all the spectators could see. While the big box that had held all the officials yesterday was gone, replaced with floating platforms that hovered in the air all around. Nearly twenty platforms were full of people that all sat on chairs or other things that were placed there while they waited for the event to start. The only platform left empty was the one in the very center as it silently hovered there patiently.

"They sure went all out."

"Not much of a surprise."

"You two expected this?"

""Of course.""

Turning to her grandparents Tearia didn't know what to think as she switched between the new view and them before she eventually gave up trying to say anything while she made her to the Participant area on the other side leaving them behind as she heard their feint laughter.

"I suppose we should follow her."

"No more teasing though."

"I'll think about it."

Shaking her head she didn't know what else to say as they caught up to Tearia with the sounds of chatter constantly filling their heads before they blocked it out.