Seeing they were only about an hour away or less Xilo stopped walking and looked at the mountain now that he had a proper look at it. "It's not that big..." Looking at the mountain the size of a couple houses stacked on top of each other filled with trees here and there he noticed some areas that seemed off filled with what looked like snow covering the ground with Astral Beasts flying around them as well. " There are definitely a lot of Astral Beasts around, I can feel the pressure from here." It was almost like a warning to fend people off and leave them alone, unfortunately Xilo couldn't nor didn't want to listen to it.
"Well we're almost there, maybe we should prepare ourselves?"
"how so?"
"With this."
Saying that he took out the small blue crystal and spun it around in his hand a couple times as he showed it to Xelfia.
"Ahh right those...Should we really use them now?"
"Why not, If they just sit and get covered with dust they are useless regardless."
"How in the world....?" "What?" Hearing Azalu speak up suddenly again took Relia by surprise. From her memory Azalu wasn't this much of a talker but recently she had been speaking more however she enjoyed it. Whenever Azalu was around the other voices stopped and gave her some brief relief. Knowing that though it wouldn't be long until Azalu went quiet again and she would have to deal with all the voices again until she came back. "Why does this kid have one of those things." "That crystal?" Watching from the side she switched back and forth as Xilo and Xelfia were talking. "Yes, Those things massively boost elemental energy and are incredibly rare even back in the days when I was alive." "Alive?" "It's nothing, the point is it's not normal for someone like him to have one. Increasing Elemental Energy is difficult beyond belief but these things make it as easy as drinking water for anyone… need one badly yourself...." "Hey...Azalu, Stop whatever you're thinking, I won't do it." "I know, I know, It's just a thought is all.." "Well keep it as a thought." Saying that she ignored Azalu's silence as their conversation finished up.
"Fine we'll use them, hand me the green one."
Reaching into his bag he grabbed the green one after a few seconds of rummaging around before handing it to Xelfia after convincing her. Catching Relia in the corner of his eye he saw Relia staring at them intently as her eyes switched back and forth before he released an awkward cough.
"Would you like one?"
"Are you sure?"
Saying that she created a small fire in her palm and showed it to Xilo. Seeing the flame he understood what she meant now as he shook his head.
"Sorry I don't have one for fire."
"...Useless then."
"A need control of fire more or you'll lose control sooner or later. This game of tug and war can't go on forever you know...Eventually you'll break." Hearing Azalu speak up She ignored it as she stared at Xilo while she released a small smile trying her best to ignore the words of Azalu. "I know but I'm not concerned about it." "You should be." Leaving it at that Azalu stopped speaking leaving Relia by herself.
"I see."
With that over he turned the Crystal over in his hands a couple times as he looked at it trying to figure out what to do with it. "I guess I just absorb it?" Concentrating on it he began to mindlessly walk as he found his own rhythm while he felt the energy from the crystal before pulling it into his body. Feeling a shiver run through his body that started to coat his skin in a small layer of ice Xilo watched as it spread everywhere in his body before melting and sinking into his skins and bones as the cold disappeared along with it. Seeing that he opened his eyes to notice they were closer to the mountain again as Xilo started trying to generate Ice Energy to test it out.
"well this is certainly an improvement."
Before it felt like a river filled with garbage that blocked off the water but now it felt like quite a bit of that garbage had been cleaned up letting the water flow more freely. "If it took about four-ish seconds before to create a small blade of ice it should only take about two seconds now at best." Satisfied with the results he got from the Crystal he looked towards Xelfia as she coiled a small plant around her arm trying it out as well.
"I think this should be a big boost to our strength"
"You're right, I wonder how much stronger they got as well."
"I guess we'll have to find out."
Feeling a smile hit her face as the thought of testing out her new strength the three of them walked into the area beneath the mountain and started to look for their first Astral Beast. Looking at the trees as the spread out before them Xilo looked at the mostly open field as he looked at the mountain a little bit away. "Now where should we start looking, Maybe the top of the mountain?" From afar the area up top looked the most weird to him so it was a start and it also let him explore a little bit without going to far into the area. With two mountains he could see along with a forest valley in-between them he assumed most of the Astral Beasts were in that area. He assumed most of the beasts that were on the outer edge were the ones to weak to fight for a spot in the middle so he wasn't to worried and if he got high enough maybe he could spot something he couldn't see from the ground.
"it's worth a shot."
Saying that he started guiding them up the mountain.