New Friends and Old

Looking at her changed hair Tearia felt an itch of impatience as she stood amongst the crowd with a couple other women around her that she was just starting to get to know. After thinking about it last night a little more she had decided to take them up on their offer. "It's better than being alone." She could only do so much by herself and while the looks she was already receiving from people was already getting on her nerves she tried her best to ignore it.

"Hey Rose are you okay?"

Taking a split second to react, Tearia turned around to face the leader of the group she had met yesterday. Tearia wasn't quite used to being called a different name yet so it took her a couple seconds to react but this was still better then the first time she was asked her name. "I couldn't think of anything." Thankfully she remembered her friend's name that she used before and decided to take it for herself along with swapping her hair colour just to be safe. Since she didn't know if people from Belturn were here or not it was a good precaution to take especially when she wasn't really looking for friends here.

"Nothing Lexi, I'm just a little excited to go in and explore that's all."

"I can't blame you, It's rare for new Astral Zones this size to pop up anymore so it makes everyone a bit overly excited."

"Are you not?"

Putting on the best fake smile she could, Tearia tried to remember back to how she used to act a little bit as she got into the rhythm of things and it was working just the way she wanted it to.

"Nah, It just seemed like something fun to do while wasting time."

"Wasting time?"

"It's nothing, Looks like we can get moving, come on let's go."

Hearing that she watched as the blonde haired girl who looked to be in her late twenties walk away as the rest of the girls in their group followed behind her. "Wasting time eh?" Keeping that information in the back of her mind she made a mental note to keep an eye on her. "There's also her." Looking at the black haired girl that was beside her walking slowly with her head down she followed along. "No other women seemed to be worth paying attention to at the moment besides those two for now but that could change in the future. There were about twenty or so of them after all, with their own ideas and plans for this place.

"Anything can happen."


"Ahh just mumbling, sorry."

Hearing the black haired girl speak up for the first time since meeting her spooked her for a second but she waved it off quickly. "Weird girl." Staring at Rose run ahead the girl went back to her own little world as she followed along. Soon there group arrived at the entrance and walked in as Tearia spotted some Clan symbols she recognized. "So they are here after all...dammit." Seeing the symbol of Feltin she cursed in her mind as she recognized the tiger on their backs. "I should be fine though.." Trusting in her disguise she began to explore the inside of the castle with her group.

"Doesn't this room kind of seem lived in as well?"

After opening the wooden door Xilo was greeted to another sight he didn't think would be here. The room looked slightly messy with a bed in the middle of it and a couple shelves beside it but the blankets were roughed up a bit like someone had slept there and just woken up. "Why does this place seem so alive? Is that normal?" Walking inside those questions floated through his head as he looked at the shelves that lined the wall and the compartments under them. However he didn't find anything like he expected except a couple pieces of paper with nothing on them that he left there along with the dust.

"Empty, Maybe they already searched this area..ahhh, whatever."

Leaving he shut the door behind him and went to the next room to see if he could find anything useful but even that resulted in nothing. Checking a few more rooms he just wanted to make sure nothing was there and it was lucky he did. "Oh? what's this." Taking an old red book he found that's title had faded out he opened it up and took a look inside it. It was the first item he had found an item that could actually be something valuable instead of just blank pieces of paper. "I wonder if anyone found this before or just ignored it." Flipping through the pages he tried to find something worth reading but every page the writing had faded out and it wasn't until the thirtieth page or so that he found something that could be potentially useful.

"Liandran's Castle, Is this the name of the castle or?"

There wasn't really much else for him to go off since the rest of the page was unreadable but it was a start. "It seems to have a lot of missing pages as well." Flipping through more he saw the numbers on the bottom that weren't faded jump from number to number.

"Seems kind of useless....Oh?"

Just before he shut the book and moved on, he read a sentence that intrigued him. Reopening the pages he looked at the writing as a stupid smile crossed his face. "What the heck does this even mean...Does it want me to go on a scavenger hunt?" Rereading what it said he sighed as he stood there.

"Find the rest of the missing pieces and complete the book, Are you kidding me?"

He was almost tempted to just leave it there since he didn't even know where to begin before he remembered the pieces of paper he found in the rooms before lying around.

"No way right?"