Looking at the people in front of her she could already see people fighting over things and hurting each other. "I wonder when we'll..ow." Feeling a sharp pain run up her right arm she braced herself as her arm flared up. "Still can't get used to that." It had already happened a couple of times since she left Belturn and it was just getting more annoying then she would have liked but there was nothing she could do except smile and bare it until it calmed down again. Trying to look as natural as she could she watched Felli walk up to her right side and stay there while they walked up a flight of steps and made it to the second floor.
"You alright?"
Jumping hearing Felli speak to her, Tearia wondered why she asked that.
"I'm fine, why?"
Not getting a response from her she sighed as she tugged on her sleeve a little bit and pulled it down to try and cover her arm while their group decided to go left. However people had similar plans to them and had already raided most rooms forcing them to rush ahead to get a better chance at finding things. Which led to them finding their first corpse in the hallway right before they turned the corner. "....." A little speechless Tearia didn't know what to say as she saw a single man laying there dead with most of his things already taken from him as his blood began to dry. If anything she felt sick but the others there seemed unphased as they walked by it without even blinking but that only deepened her disgust. "I...I knew this would happen...but." She wasn't ready to see something like it so soon and she was sure there was more to come. She was almost tempted to turn around and walk away now but that wouldn't help anything, she had to push forward.
Watching Rose fall behind Felli slowed her steps as she waited for her. "Weird girl." Everything she did gave her that impression but it also made her like her alot more than everyone else here. "She may think she's good at acting but...." She had already found a few flaws so she knew Rose wasn't being completely truthful but that was fine to her. "Everyone here is after all, even me." The only difference was the hostility in such an act. "Lexi is extremely hostile after all..." That girl radiated an aura of my way the entire time but hid it under false smiles where Tearia didn't have any hostility with her,only a bit of cluelessness but she found that kind of cute in a way. "Well hopefully she can survive...." Saying that she waited for her Rose to catch up as she walked around the corner and stuck to her right side for now.
Turning around the corner they explored for a little bit but even most of the rooms around the area were already cleared out. "People move fast...Guess we need to go further in." She was a bit surprised by how fast people were clearing such a huge place but maybe it was to be expected since they had prior experience most likely. "That and there hasn't been much to look for yet." Besides a bunch of rooms with random things in them they hadn't found much else either even if it wasn't looted already. Crossing over a little bridge with a small courtyard under it thoughts flew through her head as she thought about what to do if she found nothing here or if she did. "I Hope I don't have to fight....Kind of." She wasn't sure how good she'd be anymore compared to before so she was a little worried with how her arm was now but she had to figure it out at some point and how to work around it.
Drowning out the chatter around her of all the girls she lost track of her steps until eventually they stumbled across more bodies in the distance. Smelling the blood coming out of them shocked Tearia to her senses and looked ahead no longer out of it. "These ones seem to have a wolf symbol on them...." The one she passed before seemed to have a fish symbol on their jacket but she could have been wrong about that. She didn't get the best look at the time but now that she had seen it once it wasn't as bad as the first time or so she thought until she saw blood dripping from their bodies still fresh.
"More bodies."
Hearing Lexi's voice in front of her she paused as she realized she had walked to the front of the group already when everyone else had stopped.
"Seems someone had another fight."
"The door's slightly open over there."
Listening to Lexi and Felli talk her eyes followed where they were pointing as she noticed the door as well that was slightly left open. "Someone didn't close it properly..." Hearing a small bang coming from the room Tearia almost jumped as she and the others soon walked towards it with some care in there steps, after all whoever was in there was most likely the person who did it so they needed to be prepared. "...." Opening in the door, Tearia was in front of the pack along with Felli right behind her. "Why do I feel so nervous....." Feeling her hand begin to sweat a little bit she finished opening the door as a figure appeared in her eyes.
With some shock running through her system she stared at the back of a figure she had long memorized in her heart as she saw a fluff of white hair peak out blocked by his back. In that moment her entire body froze as she didn't know what to do or even say. "Am I dreaming?" She was so lost but she had to say something. Something that could help wake her up.