Metal Knights

"Going to keep following me?"

Looking over his shoulder he stared at Felli as she followed slightly behind at a safe distance. "What is she doing." They had been walking for around twenty minutes now maybe more and passed quite a few turns she could have taken but yet here she was still. He was getting tired of it which was why he decided to speak up about it, he would rather be alone right now if given the choice. "Or far away from Tearia as possible." He could still feel the taste of her lips lingering on his as he walked. "Get out of my head." The way she looked at him from before and how she acted just now was stuck on repeat and there was nothing he could do about it.

"Following you?"


Ignoring her playing dumb he walked on as he looked around the place trying to see if he could find anything of use. "So difficult." With the echoes of her steps ringing in his ears he did his best to ignore it as he heard a slight creaking in the distance that was somewhat familiar. Pausing he focused in on it trying to pinpoint what it was as it got louder in his ears. "This is..?" Looking at the corner in front of him he heard it approach as his guard went on full alert. Whether it was a person or not no one was going to be friendly at first sight so he needed to be ready especially with two people to protect behind him. "At the very least it can't be them." They were still behind him so that was one worry he didn't have to think about it.

That just meant it was something else though and he was about to find out as he watched a foot enter his vision along with a hand made of metal turn the corner. "It's these things again." Looking at the walking suit of armour that was similar to the one he had seen before he left out a sigh of relief as he walked forward raising his dagger to his side ready to fight. The walking set of armour didn't look that much different then the last one except it's helmet that had a set of horns on it probably signifying its rank. "It's been a little while since we've met." However he suspected he was far enough in the Castle Astral Zone for people to no longer be around enough to deal with them beforehand for him.


Hearing its screech he slightly flinched at the high pitch of it as the ice dagger he summoned in his hand gained a small crack leaving him surprised. "This thing won't be as weak as the other it seems." Taking out his Astral Dagger just in case as well he threw it forward and ran behind it towards the giant silver piece of metal. As more creaking entered his ears. "More than one of them." Watching more appear around the corner he rushed forward faster as his daggers stabbed into the metal tin can at the same time shredding a hole in its chest before it swung its sword down at him. Backing off he let go of his weapons as another spawned in his hand and slashed out the sword coming down on him clashing with it.


Feeling such raw strength pressure him he backed away, not able to win that fight and slashed again at its arm as it came down towards the ground with force. Watching a scratch appear he created more ice as he tried to freeze it in place from its legs as he spread it forwards across the room to stop the other Metal Knights from advancing. He needed some time and this was the only way he could think of at the moment. "They are in no condition to fight." Tearia was still passed out and Felli was tired from before so they wouldn't be of any help to him currently. "Seems to help a little bit." Watching them freeze in their tracks he focused back on the one in front of him as another slash came his way.

"Whoa there."

Jumping back he created some distance between them as he watched a blade go past his face barely missing him. "Don't get distracted." Trying to keep track of so many things at once wasn't easy but he needed to get better at it even if it was a struggle. This was an improvement for him that he desperately wanted recently. "Don't be weak." Watching the sword swing by him he charged forward again with two daggers in hand as it tried to struggle out of the ice on its feet. Thankfully just in time with Xilo's slash he heard the sound of his ice breaking beneath him and freeing it however with his last two slashes it no longer mattered.

"One down."

Watching it fall into two large pieces he watched as the other two that showed up broke free as well well more ice coated the ground. Sliding across it he controlled his movement slightly as he skid across the floor not used to such things. "Need some work." If he got really good at this then against some of his enemies he would have a massive advantage but that was for another time. Now he still needed to take care of the two chunks of metal in front of him and quickly in case more variables showed up. "Stronger..." Getting close to one he slashed down at its sword that came flying straight for him along with the wind he felt pierce straight through the air.


Feeling the strength behind those two attacks he gave up trying to attack as he dropped his ice dagger and ducked to the ground. "Close." Feeling Astral Wind travel over his head he felt a slight tingle of danger as he looked up to see the knight furthest away charging up another attack similar to before. "Move." Getting up he felt his grip on the ground fail him slightly as he tried to move out of the way.

"Maybe a mistake."