
Searching throughout the entirety of the entire estate within an hour or so Althea had finally confirmed with her own eyes that this place had zero signs of Xilo or even any other of those other girls. "He really wasn't lying after all." She had already believed him before but she still had to make sure along with causing a little chaos for inconveniencing her. While walking around the place asking about the Kintrel Mountains she had laid a small little prank of sorts everytime she felt the people around her try to disrespect her without her noticing.

She didn't ever know if they would ever be activated but it was something fun to think about until eventually she got bored. She was just trying to fill the time while she scoured the place after all though she was pretty sure she gave quite a few of them the fright of their life unintentionally. "Well I learned about Kintrel at least." She hated having to talk to such filth more than she had to but she was impatient for information and learned some decent information at least. "So another one of those damn places has showed up." learning another Astral Zone had appeared frustrated her however they were a part of natural life now so there was nothing she could do but take advantage of them.

"Thanks for showing us around but we'll be going now."

Exiting the front door of the place those were her last words before she walked away without waiting for a reply of any sorts. She simply wanted this to be over with and no longer cared about this place or its people. They had now become useless to her so what was the point of staying and Delfix knew that well as he watched her walk away with a deep sigh. "Finally over..." Heaving a long sigh he shut the door as walked back to his personal quarters needing a nap after dealing with such a whimsical woman. "Thankfully no one died..." He was just happy she hadn't done anything extreme and managed to keep her somewhat happy.

"I need some rest after that."

Feeling heavy he walked up a set of stairs and walked down a hall before opening up a set of doors opening up to a familiar room. "It's not even dark out and I already want to sleep." Thinking about the events of today he went to lay down before he stopped in his tracks as he felt a chill run down his spine. Freezing in place he felt himself unable to move as he tried to look around the room as a strange presence filled it that he had never felt before. "What now..." He was so over today that a part of him didn't care but his instincts still won out as he stayed on high alert before he eventually saw a figure appear in the darkness. "Another one is it..." Feeling his mind go crazy he looked at the old man with an almost blank stare.

"You who interacts with the devil tell me something."

Not really understanding what he meant by that he stared at the old man questioning life as he continued to speak.

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't try and hide it...I can feel the trail of essence they left behind in this place. Where did they go?"

He was only able to sense the demon before thanks to the giant shockwaves they had created leaving a very obvious trail but by now that had thinned out making it very hard to track them. So after sensing a lot of demonic energy circling this place he decided to pay it a visit to hopefully gain some information to help him on his hunt. If the demon got to far away they would eventually escape his grasp leaving him in failure once again so he was forced to use others in this situation regardless of his little experience with them. Throughout his life he barely interacted with normal people so his people skills weren't anything special.

"You mean that scary looking woman? She went to a place called Kintrel Mountains in search of something."

Not knowing who this figure was talking about exactly he figured he meant the woman who had shown up earlier as he pointed in the direction of Kintrel Mountains. Delfix was too tired to even bother doing anything else at this point, the man just wanted to sleep and end this day. So if this got rid of the creepy old man in his room as fast as possible then he was happy and from what was happening it seemed to work. After pointing in the direction of where she was headed he heard the quiet sound of footsteps as the old man disappeared from his vision finally giving him the peace he wanted. "Sleep..." Tired he threw himself at his bed. Whatever problems that awaited him could wait until tomorrow.

"So they're on the move, I can't fall behind."

Listening to the man's directions he followed them in hopes of finding his target at whatever the Kintrel Mountains were.

Having already left the city by now Althea starred in the direction Xilo should be as she thought about what to do. "The only good thing about those damned places is their lack of exits so he should be trapped there for the most part unless I'm unlucky." Some Astral Zones were different then others leaving more room for freedom but more often than not they only had a couple feasible exits unless they were placed in an outside environment like a forest. "I hope he's there." With the information she had gained she knew a lot of people were going to be there and hopefully Xilo was a part of such a group of people.

"if not....then I don't know what else to do to look for him."

She had gotten pretty lucky already as it was and she doubted she would get lucky again like this. This would be her only chance she just had to hope it worked out. If not she would have to retreat back to her home and reorganize. She was only able to continue going thanks to finding a lot of residual energy left over by Xilo but that wouldn't keep her going forever. Eventually she would need to stop and retreat but hopefully Xilo would be there when it happened.

"I'm coming for you."