Seli's Options

She didn't get a reply though as she felt another attack coming her way. "Maybe he's not in control?" Her mind instantly went to the worst possible scenario as she prepared to block another attack. Standing on the defensive side for once, Seli did a quick check up on Xilo to make sure he still seemed okay but he didn't seem phased at all. Since he was in control she calmed down as she got back in her own rhythm. She wasn't too sure why Xilo was willing to do that but she still had to fight. "I guess he's just taking this more seriously than the last one." Before he didn't have any idea of her power so losing probably put him down however now that he was prepared he probably wanted to change the outcome a bit.

"Try not to get yourself hurt Xilo, this is just a little test."

"Yeah, my bad. I got a little ahead of myself there."

Making up an excuse on the spot, Xilo pulled back his hand before it could get grabbed as he tried to think about how to proceed. "She's hiding something but how do I drag it out of her?" He had kind of just rushed into this without thinking it through much. With just feelings and guesses to go off he didn't really know where to take it. There was one thing he remembered seeing from her that sent shivers down his spine. Creating some distance from Seli for a quick second he shuffled back before going back in. His words might have said one thing but his actions said otherwise. On edge he went right for her and punched her chest after swatting her hand away to the side.

After that he took a hold of her shoulder as he swept his leg under her feet before she could realize what was happening. He would never win in straight power so he had to take advantage of the surprise factor. Without it this fight would be a complete loss and only put her more on guard. Watching her fall over onto the ground Xilo pounced on top of her. Putting his entire body weight on her he pinned her to the ground as best he could. Sadly she quickly rolled out of the way as she kicked him to the side. Forced off for a second he quickly dragged himself across the floor and tried again. Latching on to her hand he pulled her close as they did a quick spin.

Staring down at her eyes Xilo pinned her down however now that he was here his mind finally screamed at him. "Now what you idiot?" That anger he was carrying inside of him since he used that power started to leak out as Xilo felt his blood get agitated. He let it take control as more blades were starting to extend from his body and more power leaked into his bones. Even now that Seli was getting serious she couldn't do anything with his extra power helping him out. "Dammit, He did lose control." Trying her best to get free from his grasp she looked around the room as she thought about what to do. Her options were limited though and she was left with zero help.

"Xilo get a hold of yourself, you're slipping again."


The only reply she received was an eerie laughter that attacked her ears and mind. "I knew we should have waited longer." This was the exact reason she didn't want to fight Xilo in the first place. One tiny little slip could send him into the depths of that hell. Feeling her bones being crushed by someone a lot weaker than her, Seli was feeling frustrated herself. "Fine, I did say I'd handle you if you ever lost control, time to prove it." Thankfully the other girls weren't here to see all of us. She had grown closer to them and she knew they cared for XIlo a lot and she didn't want to hurt them.

Generating some Elemental Energy, Seli was forced to fight for real as a poison leaked out of her body and onto Xilo's hands. Burning his hands she tried to get him to loosen his grip on her as his blades started to dig into her skin. Ignoring the scars they would make she managed to free one arm from his grip as he other arm broke. Feeling her bones completely crack, Seli wanted to shout in pain but she kept her mouth shut as she looked up at Xilo. Smashing his face with her fist she no longer cared for being polite. This wasn't a practice match anymore, it was a full on fight.

"Why'd he lose control so easily?" Grumbling about that in her mind she saw her punch do nothing as she added some poison to her attack. Her element was linked to poison, letting her create deadly liquids that could burn her enemies from the inside out. She didn't have a second element beyond that though so she was forced to make do. She might mess Xilo up a little bit but right now that was more than acceptable. Slashing his face with her hand she let acid come in contact with it as she felt Xilo bite at her ignoring everything. His skin was burning before her eyes but he was already past the breaking point.

"He's too far gone now, I'll need to knock him out." Biting her lip she thought about using her weapon to help her out but she couldn't wield it like this. She had only two more options left and she really wanted to avoid one of them. "I guess it's that time." Even though she wasn't good with using it too much yet, it was her only choice at the moment. Taking a split second to concentrate she created an invisible thread of string that extended from her body. Letting some of it wrap around her broken arm and Xilo's as well she set it up. With this string she could manipulate and move things against people's control. It was also incredibly durable to help make sure it wouldn't break against attacks.

"Sorry Xilo."

Trying to lift up his arm and body off of her this was the only thing she could think of right now. She couldn't use her other form, that was a last resort and something she shouldn't tell others about. Watching Xilo thrash around in her web she lifted his body off of him as she freed herself finally. Crawling up she forced herself to stand up as pain throbbed in her right arm that was being controlled by her string. In worse case scenarios as long as she had enough energy she could move her body even if all of her bones were broken. It was a very useful ability to have that took forever to get as strong as it was now and she could still vastly improve it.


Looking at Xilo's wild thrashing, Seli felt a little sad as she was reminded of herself.

"Time for you to take a small nap Xilo."

Crushing her strings she let it tangle XIlo up in a hold as it cut off his breathing. Xilo still tried to struggle free as he lost the ability to breathe. "This is why you keep control." She knew how hard it was to regain control once it was gone was why she wanted to do this for him. They weren't that different at all and she found some sympathy in that. "Seems you've got a long way to go." With a bit of glum leaking through she sighed as she finished Xilo off.

"I'll see you in a bit Xilo."

In the next second she felt her strings snap into pieces.