"Katrin does realise that the whole town wants to hunt me and Tearia down right, are you sure that's such a good idea?"
Xilo had a few concerns going back to Belturn so soon.
"We are well aware which is partially why you're being sent there. If you've got problems with it, bring it up with Katrin. I'll be leaving now, I need to make plans for everyone and talk some more with Katrin. Have a good rest of your night Xilo."
Standing up, Aeon walked out of the room leaving Xilo all alone. Listening to Aeon's footsteps fade away, Xilo pushed back on his chair as he stretched his body. "I sat for a long time." Glancing at the clock on his desk he saw how late it had become as he got up. "Katrin gave us all rooms to sleep in officially." Once he finished stretching Xilo let the silence envelop him. It felt good to have a peaceful moment to himself like this, with everything happening he wasn't going to get many. "If I have to take a good guess, katrin will want us to destroy Belturn's Zone." With it being Ukel's Great Zone it only made sense, especially since Katrin never said she gave up entirely. "Do we really have to destroy them though or is there another way?" That was something he would have to figure out for himself.
"The leader of a bunch outcast criminals...It's certainly a bit weird but I think it fits me. I did say I want to be the leader of my own clan one day, just didn't expect it to happen so soon. I figured I had a few years at least. Well I need to assign each person a position properly suited for them or have them learn new roles. Their life skills are lacking just as mine but they seem willing to learn and that's what counts. Man....I want to sleep."
Sitting up, Xilo headed to the location Aeon gave him. "Should be near the back courtyards." Twisting and turning through the halls, Xilo watched some people walk by rarely. "Seems they don't like me." He got a few nasty glares here and there but nothing beyond that. "Probably people who dislike Katrin...or Felli." Xilo was positive word was spreading fast about what was happening. "People that were neutral are probably going to pick sides soon, seems I need Felli to explain this situation more in depth." With such little understanding of it all Xilo couldn't really do much except accept their stares as he made it to his room. Katrin gave them a place near the very back of the Castle that had two courtyards in front of it split into two sections facing the front. Their rooms were in the back that would also lead to a giant garden with a few maid and butler rooms for new recruits.
"I heard it's a nice place to relax when we get breaks."
Xilo had zero idea how long it would be there new homes so he would enjoy it while it lasted. "beats going from inn to inn." Eventually he hoped that he could own the land they lived on. "Maybe one day." Before he could start daydreaming of the future, Xilo reached the entrance to their place. A large sign was already there with their names written on it and the other recruits Katrin brought. All of them would be living in their own rooms there. "Twenty lives to lead.. and take care of." Opening up the door Xilo let that thought carry him as the wind struck his face. The sun had already disappeared from the sky, leaving only lamps set around the place to light the way.
Beyond the field of grass Xilo saw a couple rows of stone buildings set up in a row. Grey stone that shone in the night light with wooden windows and doors. "This is way more room than needed for about thirty people." Each building had 15 doors from which Xilo could see and there were over six of them spread out. "This area is all to ourselves!?" In the centre of them all stood one building that reached high into the sky, almost doubling the size of other places marking the seventh building with only one grand entrance. "Don't...tell me." Xilo could already feel his brain overloading as he walked down the path to it. Ignoring the red flowers lining the place, Xilo studied what was in front of him.
Steel and stone mixed together as the building stretched out like an upside down T. Glass painted into the shape of flowers spread out along the entire building making it seem like one giant flower with it blooming outwards at the very top with golden vines leaking downwards. Any colour Xilo could think of filled his eyes, almost overwhelming him a bit. "It's so...flashy." Writing above the entrance arcing over the whole thing was Xilo's name stretched out above it with a placeholder waiting for his decision on the name. "katrin..." Letting a sigh release his stress Xilo gave up trying to decline the reality in front of him as he stood in front of it all.
"Just why?"
Staring up at the red leaves that sprouted near the top mixed with gold, Xilo walked inside before he could do anything else. It only got worse from there though. "This has to be a joke." A big entrance with two staircases made of Ash Wood lined the walls with a large carpet over top of it. Mixed with all the flowers and decorations that filled his vision A pair of maids greeted him at the door instantly. Two women bowed their heads as they spoke Xilo's name. "More spies?" Shaking his head, he heard them ask him if he needed anything. "Too much!" Xilo badly wanted to dismiss them in an instant but he let them guide him to his room. Once he was there he instantly asked them to leave as entered inside.
Ignoring everything around him Xilo rushed to the large bed in the centre and flopped down on it. "Comfy." Letting its softness consume him Xilo wondered where the girls were. "I thought they'd be here." He expected them to be inside here already waiting for him. "Maybe I should go look for them." A bit unwillingly he released himself from the comfort of the bed and went out looking for them. It didn't take too long before he heard the sound of laughter nearby.
Following it he made his way downstairs and into what seemed like the dining hall. Inside each of the girls were eating snacks and talking to each other giggling. "Ah, their they are." Unable to hold in a grin, Xilo didn't feel like interrupting them. Sneakily he walked away letting them do their thing as he went back to his room. "I wonder what they were laughing about." Back in his room Xilo laid on his bed as he let sleep take over his body. Since he knew Xelfia and the girls were alright he let his worries fade away in the realm of dreams.
"Tearia! You shouldn't just out Xilo like that."
"I can't help it Xelfia, he just makes it so easy sometimes. It's kinda cute how teasable he really is."
"I know. that's why it's so fun to do it, seeing his reactions is fun."
Listening to them talk, Felli realised how much she had missed talking with Tearia. "It's been a while." Letting a hand rest on her chin Felli chimed in here and there but she was still a little shy with Xelfia. Xelfia made sure to slowly break that wall down until eventually it got late. Once it was late enough the girls put everything away as they got ready to go to sleep. They didn't see Xilo come in, however one of the maids informed them of his return along with feeling his presence. Making their way upstairs each girl had a room to themselves but the three didn't go there, only Felli went to her room. The rest snuck into Xilo's and got in the bed with him. Soon with Xilo between them all they fell asleep.
"Even the little fox went with them."
Shaking her head, Felli laid down in her own bed and fell asleep.