
More blood fell from her body as Lexia did her best to avoid any sort of fatal hits from Landel. Swaying from side to side Lexia could never get in a good position to strike. "He's not even using his element." For Landel this couldn't even count as a fight, it was just a practice round for him. His real fight would be with Cestrin's King when he arrived on the front lines. "After this is over we'll arrive there in a couple of weeks." Most of his army had already gone to the front lines to fight. Their job was to lower Cestrin's numbers as much as possible regardless of the deaths.

"We need to eliminate as many as possible, once that's done Cestrin's king will be far weaker. Then we just need to lure him to a certain spot and it'll all be over."

Once Cestrin's king was deep enough into their trap there wouldn't be any escape. It'll sap his energy and weaken him while everyone else stays at the same strength. "Something that only works on Astral beasts." A few years ago when he was searching through the Castle library he had stumbled across an old book. inside of it were generations of rulers that had been trying to figure out how to stop Astral Beasts from ruling over them. Each one put information down and passed it on to the next until they could figure something out. At one point though Tidal stopped being so against Astral Beasts as they were once so the book ended up being forgotten before it was completed.

"I found it though and finally put it to good use, all those years of hard work they went through will not be for nothing. I'll put an end to Cestrin once and for all."

If it wasn't for all of them doing most of the work for him Landel wouldn't be able to stand here today so confidently. "They'll be slaughtered." Every single one would be wiped out without mercy. While most people knew that Landel had set up a trap there, none of them knew exactly what it did or how it worked. "Even the beasts hiding will be cut down." There were quite a bit of Astral Beasts also hiding in his army or even Cities and this would also draw them out. it was impossible to find out who was an Astral Beast or not due to their ability to blend in as humans perfectly unless you were knowledgeable about them. Even then it would be hard to search thousands of people, so this was the perfect way to find them.

"Once they're found, We'll rip them out one by one. I don't care what side their on or what they've done for us. All of them will die there."

Then they could move on to the rest of the world and take them out. "Eventually all will be gone." The rule of Astral Beasts would come to an end by his hands. Smashing the ground in front of Lexia he tried to split her into two pieces. "Slippery devil." Pulling his Axe back Landel pulled it to the side at the last second and slashed Lexia's arm creating a huge trail of blood. "ow." Stifling a shout as best as she could, Lexia jumped back in a hurried panic. The distance between them expanded as Lexia grabbed her arm and held it tight. "That one hurt." Injecting some Astral Energy into it she tried to calm down the pain and heal it as much as she could.

Healing was far from her strong point.

"Meh, good enough."

Once she stopped a majority of the bleeding she got ready to fight again. Landel had been watching the whole time once again. "So annoying." Nothing she was doing was working though so he certainly had the right to be as confident as he was. "How do I change this fight around?" Taking the time that Landel was giving her Lexia started to think about what she wanted to do next. As much as she wanted to just blindly just run in again and start swinging at Landel she knew that wasn't going to work. Trying to calm that urge down to kill him she took a deep breath and let her mind do the work instead of her body.

"He's stronger than me, that I know. He's also better with fighting in general. Usually he is a lot every single way he's better than me. It's hard to accept but that's always been a fact. However nowadays he has lost the calmness he carried before, he's definitely a lot more prone to freaking out or losing his cool. That is something I could possibly use to my advantage if I play it right. It's just a matter of causing him to lose his cool. How do I do that?"

How many things could really make the man before her freak out all of a sudden. "Hmmm..." The only thing she could think of we're the mention of Astral Beasts. "Wait...maybe?" Back when they were married there was something that Lexia had never told him. No matter how badly she wanted to, it was best left as a secret that faded with her life. Now though there was a chance that she could use that secret to her advantage. She would only get one chance to use it though so she had to make it count. Once the initial shock of it wore off then Landel would be fine again.

"I suppose it's time that I finally tell him, I thought I wouldn't ever have to but fate is cruel."

Lexia was far from the human that Landel knew her as.


Charging at him she had a plan in mind this time and was far more confident than before. "I need to time it right." Once she had gotten close and built up his anticipation she could deal a very heavy blow. The gears in her mind were turning as she thrusted straight at his chest. "I will beat you." If she didn't kill him after telling him though she knew that he would kill her instantly. There was no mercy for her kind anymore. They were something to be eradicated by him and he wouldn't stop. "There's no going back, is there?" Her life with Landel was coming to an end one way or the other.

"So be it."