Unwelcome Plans

Fen Hua was dressed in a beautiful pale blue and punk silk hanfu. Her hair was tied back and adorned with dangling hair pins. When one looked at her she brought a feeling of warmth and comfort, but also a tinge of nervousness. Something about her seemed to stir a deep nagging feeling of uncertainty in others.

It was this feeling that had always made First Lady Meirong cause trouble for Fen Hua when ever she could. There had been a few times that the Old Lady of the home would suggest asking Fen Hua in for a chat or family dinner. Lady Meirong would do anything she could to dissuade her, often sending her own daughters in to keep her company. She would often tell her that she had out right declined. All this happend without Fen Hua ever knowing a thing.

Jingfei slid open the paneled door allowing Fen Hua to step inside the main house for the first time since arriving. And only for the fourth or fifth time since Fen Hua had been born.

The room she entered had a lavish seating area. And the room smelled of incence and womans powder.

Lady Meirong sat in a high seated cushion, beside her was The Second Miss, Hualing. Both of these woman looked as though they had spent a great deal of time getting ready. Lady Meirong wore a fine set of jade bracelets and her head piece was certainly not cheap. Her hanfu was a dark red with blue floral designs. Hualing wore a calming yellow color that brought warmth to her face.

Though the two women looked quiet pretty, it was obvious that their thoughts towards her were anything but. The coldness in the eyes of Hualing was enough to send shivers down one's spine.

"How nice to see you," Lady Meirong said. "Have a seat over there." She pointed to a seat towards the back of the room. She picked up her cup of tea and took a sip all the while her eyes were trained on Fen Hua. Fen Hua did her best not to be intimidated by this woman. It's not that she was scared, but the uncertainty of what was to come made her anxious.

"I hear that you have recovered well, and that you have been in good health lately," she continued setting her cup back down.

"Yes, I feel much better," Fen Hua answered in her naturally gentle voice.

The sound of her voice reminded Lady Meirong of her mother and sent tingles of resentment throughout her. She lifted her hand to cover her mouth and leaned in towards Hualing and whispered.

Hualing nodded her head and spoke to her servant. The servant headed out, quickly coming back to report her findings. What ever she had said brought the smile back to her face.

A twinkle sparked in her eyes as she looked down at the young girl of seventeen. There was no denying that she was beautiful. Her mother had been, and her father was handsome. It was inevitable that she would be beautiful.

"I'm so pleased to hear that you are feeling better. Because of this I have decided to have a small celebration. I invited a friend of mine for dinner."

Hualing bit the bottom of her lip, a look of sheer joy blooming in her eyes. Lady Meirong touched her hand to calm her, giving her a light look of chastisement.

A cup of tea was set in front of Fen Hua. She stared at it but did not pick it up. She had a very uncomfortable feeling rising in her stomach. She turned towards Jingfei who looked as disturbed as she felt. The smell of incenses was beginning to make Fen Hua feel nauseous. She lifted her arm and wiped her forehead with the back of her sleeve. She quickly put it down realizing the disgusted looks she was receiving, even from the servants.

The sound of light footsteps were heard before an older male steward walked in, followed by a man who had to be in his sixties. The older man was round and thick. His lips a thin strip across his face. A sheen of sweat covered the sides of his face and under his chin. His dress spoke of wealth however. His hanfu obviously well made and expensive. On his fingers were several fat jade rings and on his head was a silver hair cuff, pinned with two silver pins.

This man stepped into the room and was instantly escorted to the seat the First Lady had just been in. A cup of tea was brought in for him and a maid began to fan him with a hand fan. Lady Meirong gave a warm greeting.

"It so nice to have you for dinner this day Lord Heshing. You look as healthy and vibrant as usual," she covered her mouth and smiled gently, showing a side of her that Fen Hua had never witnessed.

"Yes, yes, bring in the food. I haven't time for conversation." A plate of food with rich meats and sauces was brought into him. Shortly after a small plate was set in front of the other three.

After a few moments of hearing Lord Heshing suck at his food, his eyes glanced towards Fen Hua. "Is this her?" He asked a look of interest sparking in his eyes. He wiped the grease from his lips with a cloth he pulled from his chest.

"Whats your name?" He asked Fen Hua.

It took her a minute to realize he was talking to her.

"Fen Hua," she said hesitantly.

"Yes, Fen Hua. I like that. Yes I like that very much." He let out a hardy laugh and finished his food. It wasn't long before him and his steward were escorted out by Lady Meirong and a few maids. During the time she was gone Hualing did not speak but continued to smirk at Fen Hua coldly.

When Lady Meirong came back she shut the door and turned around with glee.

"Good news Fen Hua you are to be married!" She strode to her seat and went back to her tea.

"To who?" Fen Hua asked not quiet willing to believe she could be so awful.

"Why to Lord Heshing. What an honor. He is one of the wealthiest men in the country, and to think he is willing to have you as a concubine."