
Later on that same night when the atmosphere was calmer a servant was brought in to play the zither. The sound of it was enough to hypnotize anyone. Fen Hua however was too focused on Jingfei to give it much attention. Since the moment she arrived Jingfei had not looked at her once. Her eyes were trained on the zither player and Fen Hua consoled herself saying that it was too interesting to turn away from, but inside she knew something wasn't right. She stared at the scars on her face and the way her arm awkwardly hung against her chest. She imagined a million different scenarios about what must have happened to her, her mind settled at last on the idea that Lady Suyin or her awful son had caused it. Because she couldn't come and go as she pleased, she hadn't had any opportunities since to see her or ask about any of it.

Fen Hua washed Xiulans hair, her mind drifting as if often did lately, to the older brother that would be here tonight. Just the thought of it made her face turn red. She bit her lip trying to force the thoughts away. It was much harder than she thought to be practical in a situation like this. Yes, logically she knew that there was no chance for him and her, but there was this pathetic love-struck fool who couldn't help but imagine strange scenarios. Him giving up his entire wealth to marry her, or the two of them running off together to elope. She even imagined the two of them in the modern world going on dates to all those places she had only been able to see others enjoy before.

"Come on now, lets get you dressed." She pulled Xiulan out of the tub and began to dress her. Another servant came into do her hair. Fen Hua wasn't practiced enough in these types of hairstyles, always wearing a boring ponytail as Li Shen.

Not long after Xiulan was dressed she was called into the sitting room of Lady Shu. Fen Hua of course would follow as she was Xiulans servant and it was her duty to do so. When they entered the room Liang Delun was already sitting, his back was facing the door. Fen Hua was just able to make out the strong structure of her jaw line. She stood in the doorway holding the side, half in, half out. She was always so clumsy and uncertain around him. It was her first time having a feeling like this, whether it was love or just a crush she didn't know.

He turned around just as Xiulan decided to pounce on him. He dragged her around to the front of him tickling her and making her laugh.

"Come inside Fen Hua," Lady Shu commanded. "Sit there next to Ju." Her words caused Liang Delun to notice her sending Fen Hua into even more of a panicked stupor.

She sat down next to Ju, Lady Shu's servant, and kept her eyes down hoping not to draw any more attention from the mother son duo.

"Gege, isn't Fen Hua pretty? She's my favorite servant. I like her even better than Lady Suyins maid with the big eyelashes. I used to like her the best, but now I like Fen Hua the best." She turned to Fen Hua with a look of pride. "She's mine too Gege, she belongs to me."

No matter how much she loved this child, hearing her say those words caused a pain in her chest. Her eyes began to water. She bit down on her lip again, this time to force the shame of those words away. It wasn't so much being 'owned' by her, it was the way she said it in front of Liang Delun that hurt. It made her feel so small and lowly and pathetic.

"Xiulan," Lady Shu chastised, "it's not nice to force your brother into answering a question like that."

Though the conversation continued, Fen Hua couldn't focus on it. She spent the rest of the evening doing her best to appear unaffected by everything. It wasn't until the end of the night that her spirts were lifted. Lady Shu left the room briefly to attend to household matters leaving Fen Hua, Xiulan, and Liang Delun alone.

The room was quiet at first, somber even. Xiulan seemed to have picked up on something and was being quieter than usual. Fen Hua was afraid to look in her direction worried that Liang Delun would notice again.

"Yes she is pretty," Liang Delun smoothly whispered into his sisters ear. Though it was a whisper, it was meant to be heard, and the sound of it sent Fen Hua's heart into overdrive. She felt her face heat up, even her arms heated up. Liang Delun let out a low chuckle, the sound of it like a warm Sunday morning.

She would be lying if she said she didn't think about those words repeatedly for the next ten days. In fact every time she found herself alone her mind would drift back to those words. She would read into them, imaging him falling in love with her before reasoning herself back to reality, then repeat the whole process over and over again.

The next time she saw him she was carrying a small stack of books meant for Xiulan to study from. She wasn't watching where she was going, choosing rather to read some of the script instead, so it came as a big surprise when she heard his sultry voice near her ear.

"Is it interesting?"

The shock of it caused her to drop the books. Her hand went to her chest, the panic of the moment overwhelming every other sense inside of her. He let out that same chuckle from that night. His eyes twinkling with mirth. He left shortly after, leaving Fen Hua alone to cope with her racing heart and overwhelmed emotions. She picked up the books and turned in the direction he left from just in time to see him disappear behind the corner.