Mysterious Spots Of Light

As he was about to leave, Lin Xuan's eyes rest on a black book, the title written in small writing "Records of Cultivation." Briefly flipping through it, he quickly finds that it's not a spellbook, but rather a travel journal of many different people, who wrote down their experiences during their travels.

Seeing a few other similar books, Lin Xuan figures he might get some clues out of them and picks out two more titled, "Wonders of the Nine States," and " Divine Ghost Kaidan."

Three books, being the maximum that low-level disciples can borrow, Lin Xuan goes through the procedures and quickly heads home with the books, where he sat in his chair and began studying.


As the sun floats across the sky, dyeing everything gold, Lin Xuan repositions to relieve his sore neck, and rubbed his dry eyes, he finally finished reading all three books.

The Journals described, many different places and treasures, however not a single one mentioned the blue lights.

The Three books also spoke of a lot of different stories, telling of powerful figures from the past, as well as the stories behind various treasures. For example, one story spoke of someone who was poisoned by a heavenly poison, but rather than dying like all the others before him, he ended up gaining benefits from it. The books spoke of many different treasures, and told of the advantages and disadvantages of them, and went into great detail in that, but they also stated that in the end, it all depends on the person's luck.

Lin Xuan however was not worried, because he remembered how Zhou Yan behaved, so he was sure it was a beneficial treasure. His real worry was that he would be unable to figure out how to use those blue lights, and unfortunately, they were not mentioned in the three books.

It seems that he will have to rely on his own efforts...

Lin Xuan once again sat down cross-legged and began trying various methods, attempting to see if there are any changes. After half an hour, Lin Xuan finally decides o take a chance and began to gather his spiritual power directly onto the blue lights, to begin circulating the lights just like normal spiritual energy.

This process has its own risks, since the blue lights are still a mystery while being attached to his body, they may potentially cause great harm to him.

But nothing ventured nothing gained, if you want benefits, you must take risks, so after closely observing the blue lights throughout his attempts so far, Lin Xuan has decided this may be his only chance.

After a while, beads of sweat start emerging on his forehead, compared to circulating his spiritual power, circulating the blue lights is much more difficult, but Lin Xuan is no stranger to difficulties, and after a while, the blue lights finally gather together and begin to circulate.

White gas starts to emerge from Lin Xuan's head, it seems that trying to move the lights like spiritual power is very difficult and so the movements of the lights are very jerky, but otherwise he could sense no problems.

Still, he keeps trying…..

"What's this?" Lin Xuan raises an eyebrow, and his calm face finally slips into a surprised expression, when the points of light flow through the meridians in his hands, they flow out through the palm of his hands, It seems that they don't behave like spiritual power, rather than circling back into the dantian, the lights escape the body.

Although it was unexpected, Lin Xuan did not panic and stopped working, slowly opening his eyes, he sees the lights floating in front of his chest, looking the same as they did inside his dantian.

Lin Xuan touches the lights with his hand, but other than feeling a slight warmth nothing happens, and he is unable to re-absorb them back into his body, and after a little while, the lights begin to dim and eventually fade away entirely.

Sitting back down, Lin Xuan looks into his dantian, and finds the points of light in his dantian are still there, but they are now slightly smaller than they originally were.


Lying in bed, Lin Xuan begins to think that maybe he wasn't wrong and that these lights are supposed to be cycled through his meridians just the same as spiritual power, but he was still unable to figure out why they were pushed out of from his palms, it seems that he would need to investigate further.

After carefully going over the day's results, Lin Xuan starts to become sleepy, compared to his nine weeks training in the inner area, circulating the blue lights is much more exhausting, and at this rate, Lin Xuan felt that he would be unable to keep up.


With the sun coming up, and the rooster's crows fading away, Lin Xuan wakes up refreshed. Rather than going to the pavilion as usual to cultivate, Lin Xuan sits cross-legged on his bed, feeling encouraged by the progress he made the previous night, he prepared to continue experimenting.

Once again Looking into his dantian, Lin Xuan reveals a subtle smile on his lips, it's as exactly as he suspected, the night before when he saw the lights shrink, Lin Xuan had guessed that since the lights had integrated into his body, there should be a method to restore them, otherwise it wouldn't be qualified to be called a treasure by Zhou Yan. Although it was a great risk to take after only a guess, but this morning's discovery, had proven him correct.

Even better than he expected, there were no specific conditions to restoring the lights, they were truly a part of his body, and like all other parts of the body, they recovered after a good rest. Now he wouldn't need to worry about using up the lights, and could fully focus on figuring out their use.