Trial And Error

After resting for one hour, the blue lights were finally restored enough to remove impurities again.

\so once again sitting down, Lin Xuan began again.

Circulation, Controlling the lights to enter the pill…..


Failure, it looks like it's still flowing too fast, he needs to lower the speed more

After resting again, Lin Xuan tried again.

Lin Xuan tries to slow down the flow, step by step until he found the limit for what the pill could handle without exploding.

This time, however, there was an accident, when the light enters the pill too slow, not only will the purification fail, but rather it would move the impurities closer together, making them denser and more inseparable.

It seems that going too slow, will not work either.

Lin Xuan after playing with both ends of speed, begins to consider the situation carefully, this purification process really isn't easy to grasp, going either too fast or too slow will result in failure, the speed must be controlled in a certain range to be successful.

But exactly how fast/slow is this range, only by testing over and over again can he find out.

Lin Xuan meditates, while resting until the blue lights recover, he once again begins to purify once he's fully rested, working throughout the night, he did not sleep all night, continuously cycling through testing and resting in an attempt to master the secrets of the blue lights as soon as possible.

The darkness fades away as the sun rises.

Lin Xuan is holding a pure white immortal pill, after going through the night trying over and over and wasting several trash pills, Lin Xuan finally has a successful purification.

Carefully recalling the moment he found the right amount of speed, Lin Xuan reveals a thoughtful look, and after a short break takes out another trash pill.

However, after a while, he fails again, Shaking his head, Lin Xuan understands that although the required speed is now clear, his control of the blue lights is still insufficient, leaving no other choice but more practice.

But even with the current success rate, the trash pills can be purified at a rate of two in ten, about twenty percent chance, not too low, and because the elder previously tried to embarrass him by giving him a bottle of trash pills he has plenty to spend.

Things could have been a disadvantage, but now with the blue lights ...

There are around one hundred pills in a bottle, and two bottles can give out at least forty purifying essence pills, compared to the original two pills, he has gained twenty times the profit.

Understanding all this, Lin Xuan shows a slight smile, not because he has gained so many pills, but because with the abilities of these blue lights, he finally has hope as a cultivator, with enough spirit medicine, even ordinary people can be successful.

Finally having a basic understanding of the blue lights, Lin Xuan pushes open his window, to a bright sky, and decides it's time to practice, going to the young hawk pavilion, he begins to meditate, even now using the blue lights to do so, not to refine pills, but rather to become more proficient in his control.

Over the next ten days, Lin Xuan painstakingly begins cultivating, quietly purifying the trash pills, not only to get the practice needed but also to try and find other applications of the blue lights.

After all, as a cultivator on the road to immortality, even with no hope, one cannot afford to make any mistakes. After confirming his determination, Lin Xuan began to implement his plan, although the process is hard, it can be said to be feeling the stones, holding the pill, circulating the blue lights, controlling the speed, all while carefully observing all this with his soul.


Failure, Lin Xuan's face sank, in the eyes of others, trash pills are worthless, but to Lin Xuan, every single trash pill has the chance to become a usable pill, so every waste is distressing.

But now is the trial stage, so losses are inevitable, and in addition to the consumption of trash pills, the volume of the blue lights is also reduced by a lot, forcing Lin Xuan to rest for a while...

In this way, Lin Xuan practiced every day while purifying pills, after two weeks, his practice is finally beginning to show results. Initially, there was only one success for every five or six attempts, but now after all the hard work, the success rate is one in three.

Originally on his first night, he was only able to purify two pills, but now working through the night he was able to get fifty-six low-grade purifying essence pills.

Speed, the success rate has been greatly improved.

Two bottles of trash pills, after the efforts of a full month, his harvest was higher than anticipated, leaving Lin Xuan sixty usable pills.

Sixty pills is definitely a lot of money, as it would take an ordinary disciple thirty months to gather so many pills.

Lin Xuan's net worth now, can be described as very rich, carefully collecting many purifying essence pills is good, the important part however is to keep others from finding out.

With enough pills, then naturally one has to practice hard, after seeing how he is treated by others in Whirlwind Cloud Valley, Lin Xuan has come to understand, that strength is the most important thing required to survive as a cultivator, with enough strength anything can be fair, justice and truth can be considered as mere lip service to the strong.

The most important thing, in the end, is how much strength one possesses.

And even to cultivators, life is not unlimited, but the higher the skill, the longer the life.

Spirit Condensation disciples, have yet to really set foot into the cultivating world, as their lives are barely higher than that of mortals, and it is only at the Foundation Establishment stage will their life expectancy double to two hundred years, and it would continue to double as one broke through to the next stage, finally leading to immortality if one were to cross the boundary.

Lin Xuan did not believe in reincarnation after death, as he saw it as an illusory hope for the weak. Although he did not have spiritual roots, now that he has the blue lights, Lin Xuan is finally showing some promise.

Lin Xuan produced a detailed training plan.

Using pills as his base, and coordinating it with diligent effort, Every morning Lin Xuan took one Purifying Essence Pill and began meditating to refine the spirit medicine.

Although in the Cultivation World, Purifying Essence Pills are not considered as a wondrous medicine, not everybody can be so luxurious as to take several pills every day after all, and under the stimulation of the pills, in just a week Lin Xuan felt the spiritual power in his own dantian is reaching the limit, once again approaching the bottleneck that previously caused him so much concern.

It's finally time to achieve the second layer of the Spirit Condensation Stage.