The Demon Survives

The Sky Fiend Demon Lord used a Secret Technique to blast his soul. Its power, will naturally not be only to this point.

The Core Formation Stage Experts of the two factions were only slightly affected. The Sky Fiend Demon Lord's real target was the fierce and vicious old monster.

Most of the power of the soul blast had been directed towards the Extreme Demon Venerable.

If it was the old ghost's main body, then with the powers of the Nascent Soul Stage, he can naturally withstand it, but at this moment, it is only a body possessed by his second soul.

The Blood Demon Ancestor looked at the scene in front of him and was very flustered and angry.

The Extreme Demon Venerable has become a blood man at this moment, half of his body was fragmented, and it looked very terrifying.

The experts of the Righteous Dao glanced at each other, there was surprise mixed with some unbelievable emotions. After all, he's the first expert of the Demonic Dao, it was so easy…

A faint color flashed across the Hundred Poison Boy's eyes, and it was unknown what he was thinking about. Maybe, he was both happy and worried!

For a while, apart from the panicked sound of the Blood Demon Ancestor, everyone else remained silent.

"No need to panic, this is a minor injury is just a drizzle!"

The Extreme Demon Venerable shook the Ten Thousand Soul Banner in his hand, a huge amount of ghostly fog swarmed out from inside and then rushed into his giant wound. The blood loss was blocked, and the Extreme Demon Venerable moved his body without any discomfort.

In fact, he also felt very fortunate. If his main body had been the one to suffer such a heavy blow, then he can only get out with his Nascent Soul and solve the problem of fighting his way out, but it's only a possession body…

This body is now dead, but how could the Extreme Demon Venerable care about the lives of others. The Sky Fiend Demon Lord tried his best, but in the end, it's nothing but a second soul.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, but it turned stiff as he just thought of something, and he looked at the remains of the Heavenly Dust Pill in his right hand. Originally, it was snow-white, but now after being fully integrated with the Scarlet Origin Pill, the surface was covered with red spots. it's completely ruined.

"Damn it!"

The Extreme Demon Venerable had a savage expression, gnashing his teeth, he waved his hand fiercely, throwing pill far away.

Seeing that the Extreme Demon Venerable had suffered a heavy blow, but didn't seem to care. The Blood Demon Ancestor was surprised and delighted, but the Hundred Poison Boy and the Righteous Path experts were shocked. This old monster is really powerful and with a well-deserved reputation.

Seeing him throwing away the Trash Pill. Although everyone's face was full of pity, no one went to pick it up, the Impurities in a Trash Pill could not be removed. Consuming it is harmful and without any benefits. Which is the consensus of the Cultivation World.

They don't know that in the dense forest not far away, a young man was full of joy. After many hardships, he did not expect to obtain the Heavenly Dust Pill in such a surprising way.

Trash Pills are useless to others, but for him…

Lin Xuan quietly noted down the location of the Trash Pill and waited for everyone to leave. With his Spiritual Sense, finding it should be effortless.

Lin Xuan was extremely delighted, but the others were depressed and exhausted. He doesn't expect them to be happy.

"Senior Brother Taibai, Ouyang Qin, this is the end of the matter, we couple will take or leave."

The husband clasped his fists. With lingering fear, he glanced at the Extreme Demon Venerable. Naturally, there was no need to say anything more about the frustration in his heart. The Extreme Demon Venerable is rumored to be moody, and he should not vent his anger for not obtaining the pill on the old monster.

"Well, Brother Cheng, Mrs. Cheng, take care on the way."

Zhang Taibai was even angrier in his heart. The reason why he promised the Blood Demon Ancestor to betray Blue Mountain Mountain. And join the Extreme Demon Cave. Was because the other party promised to give him a Heavenly Dust Pill, but now…

How should he choose between the two sides? But looking at the current situation, he remained calm on the surface, and clasped his fists in return: "Junior sister, we should go too."


Ouyang Qin replied faintly, except for the fallen Master Feng Lei. The remaining four experts turned into beams of light and flew towards the horizon.

"Demon Venerable..."

A sharp look flashed across the Blood Demon Ancestor's eyes. Although he did not finish his words, the meaning was already obvious.

The Extreme Demon Venerable waved his hand, not to mention he's in a possessed body, and had suffered serious injuries. If he fights again, the second soul will be affected. He naturally does not want to be subjected to the matter of killing several Core Formation Stage Righteous Path cultivators.

Secondly, if they were wiped out. The Nascent Soul Stage Experts of the Big Three would not be willing to let it go? The timing is not yet ripe. He does not want to provoke a conflict between the Righteous and Demonic Paths right now.

I will let them go for now.

"Let's go!"

The Demon Venerable waved his hand, although not obtaining the Heavenly Dust Pill is a pity, but fortunately, it did not fall into the hands of the Righteous Path. The result is barely acceptable.

The Blood Demon Ancestor and Hundred Poison Boy naturally did not dare violate his command. Together with the Extreme Demon Venerable, they flew back to Heavenly Devil City.

A few hours, the original solid soil suddenly softened and swayed like a wave of water, and Lin Xuan slowly got out of it.

"So close!"

He looked around vigilantly, making sure that no one was there, and then sat down on the ground, panting.

Although he didn't do anything, he hid his presence in front of so many High-ranking cultivators. He concentrated a lot and was quite fearful. Once he relaxed, it felt as if he had come out of a big battle.

Especially when the Sky Fiend Demon Lord blew his soul up, Lin Xuan had nowhere to escape, and he couldn't open his Spirit Barrier. Fortunately, he had a Earth Escape Talisman with him.

Of course, activating the Talisman is also dangerous. Although the Spiritual Qi fluctuation is little, there is still some after all. Fortunately, at that time, everyone was fleeing for their lives, and no one noticed.

This time, it was also a fluke, with the Hidden Spirit Pill and the Nine Heavens Profound Art Qi Concealing Technique, he was confident in hiding from a Core Formation Stage cultivator, but a Nascent Soul Stage monster…

This trip to the Kuitan Mountains was too dangerous. Although Lin Xuan could not resist the temptation brought by the Heavenly Dust Pill, to be honest, there were too many Experts from the two factions. At first, he had little hope.

But he did not expect such a dramatic change in situation, it turned into a Trash Pill.

Lin Xuan showed a smug smile at the corner of his mouth, his gaze locked on the spot where the Extreme Demon Venerable had discarded the Trash pill and flew towards it.