Spirit Beast Egg

He held the Jade Slip in his hand, handling it carefully, Lin Xuan then put it into his storage bag, he flipped his hand over, and there was a white round thing on his palm.

It was about half a meter in diameter and looked like an egg.

The egg of a Spirit beast!

This was also obtained from the Sky Fiend Demon Lord's Cave Mansion, which caused Lin Xuan's eyes to reveal a hint of excitement.

It should be noted that in the Cultivation World, Spirit Beast Eggs are extremely precious, even if they're of the first or second level, they'd still be priceless, usually, only Sects are able to acquire some.

All other people who have Spirit Beasts are high-ranking cultivators.

After all, possessing this kind of thing is equivalent to having an extra loyal helper, which is better than owning a Spirit Tool or a Magic Artifact.

This is also one of the few things that can't be bought with Spirit Stones in the city market.

With the Sky Fiend Demon Lord's power, this spirit beast egg would probably not disappoint him, and could at least be a Level-2 Top-Grade Spirit Beast, and even hatching a Level-3 Spirit Beast is not unlikely.

Of course, it can't be discerned by only looking at its surface, unless it's identified by a spirit beast specialist.

However, Lin Xuan did not have such a plan. With his ingenuity, he's clear on the matter of not showing your wealth.

Besides, the purpose of the Spirit Beast Egg identification is usually to sell them.

Lin Xuan is not short of money. He doesn't know whether it's because the heavens want to sharpen him. But Lin Xuan is often surrounded by danger. Since he stepped into the Immortal Path. Or in other words, that after obtaining the Blue Star Sea, he had killed a lot of cultivators, With him taking those people's storage bags, Lin Xuan was naturally extremely rich.

Since the beginning, he had already planned to use it himself.

After contemplating for a moment, Lin Xuan placed the Spirit Beast Egg on the ground, then made a hand-seal and used a Magic Art. The eggs suddenly levitated into the air and began to spin.

He then calmly cut his finger. And a few drops of blood essence escaped and flew above the Spirit Beast Egg as if they were alive. The egg then flashed with white light, absorbing the blood.

Lin Xuan showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, the acknowledgment ceremony had ended perfectly. That was why Spirit Beast Eggs are so precious, a wild adult Spirit Beast, even it was only Level-1. If you wanted to tame it, it would be quite difficult. First of all, you had to defeat it, but this is only the first step, even if it's done, you still may not succeed.

There was a Core Formation Stage Expert, who on a whim, decided to tame a Level-1 Spirit Beast. The strength of the two parties was too far apart. So there was naturally no suspense. but what happened next, nearly made that expert vomit blood.

The Spirit Beast, who was restrained and had no chance of escaping. Actually chose to blow itself.

He would rather die than recognize him as his master. Spirit Beasts also had the backbone of Spirit Beasts, which caused a headache among cultivators.

Therefore, It's easy to defeat the Spirit Beast, but the chances of taming them are very low. This has nothing to do with strength, but more about luck.

If their luck is good, a Spirit Condensation Stage rookie may also get a Level-1 Spirit Beast as a pet, and vice versa. If one's luck is bad, even a Nascent Soul Stage senior may not tame a Low-level Spirit Beast.

However, Spirit Beats Eggs did not have this problem.

Spirit Beast eggs still have not yet hatched, so naturally, there is no such problem as resistance. And you can easily succeed in making it recognize you as its master.

This discovery made the cultivators extremely ecstatic, but soon they couldn't laugh any longer. For no other reason, Spirit Beast Eggs are hard to get!

There are no more than two ways. One is to find the nest of wild Spirit Beasts.

Even vicious tigers would not eat their children. Although Spirit Beasts are even more ferocious, they're also very caring of their offsprings. Both males and females will desperately protect their eggs and fight against the human cultivators.

But once defeated, seeing that they can't protect their offspring, these Spirit Beasts would show a brutal side. Willing to even destroy their own eggs. Not wanting them to fall into their enemy's hands.

So with this route, they're difficult to obtain.

Another way is eggs produced by domesticated Spirit Beats. However, no one knows why. Once a Spirit Beast is reared, their fertility would be greatly reduced. Even if they give birth to an offspring, it would most likely be a dead egg…

Things that are rare, are naturally more valuable. In addition, the role of Spirit Beasts is already great. Therefore, eggs that have not recognized an owner, their prices would fly through the sky.

Lin Xuan pondered for a while, stretched his hand towards the Spirit Beast Egg, and it automatically flew back.

Lin Xuan took it to an empty stone room and arranged a small Formation.

This Formation was extremely simple. It only had the ability to guide the Fire of Earth Veins below and gather the Spiritual Qi around it. It's usually of little use, but now, it's extremely beneficial in hatching this Spirit Beast Egg.

After doing all this, Lin Xuan came out.

Initially, in accordance with his original intentions, he should be cultivating after a short rest, this trip to the Kuiyin Mountains made him realize his severe lack of strength.

The Cultivation World is a place where you can only speak with your fists. If you want to live longer, you can only continuously improve your cultivation base.

After a few days of rest, he'll start practicing the Yin-Yang Art, and after mastering the ability of yin and yang Spiritual Power conversion, he will be able to learn all kinds of Magic Arts from the Profound Demon Scripture.

That way, it would only take a short time for his cultivation to soar.

Originally, Lin Xuan thought so, but after some careful consideration, he took out the array plate and formation flag.

This situation at the moment has not got any better. Although on the surface the Spirit Pill Mountain seems calm, it's this kind of unwavering situation that caused Lin Xuan to worry.

It stands to reason that after the rumors had spread, even if the leaders of the Righteous Path and the giants of the Demonic Path didn't believe them, they should still have some doubts. It's normal to send some disciples to inquire. But after so long, there is still no movement.

It's too abnormal!

Lin Xuan had a bad feeling in his heart.

It could just be the silence before the storm!

Or the other party had already acted secretly, but he wasn't aware of it. He didn't know how the old monsters in Spirit Pill Mountain would deal with it.

Many thoughts came into Lin Xuan's mind. Anyway, it's definitely not safe here, and there are too many secrets on him, whether it's the Blue Star Sea or the "Nine Heavens Profound Art", the "Yin Yang Art", or even Lin Yue'er It is best not to let other people know of their existence…