Defying The Heavens

Lin Xuan didn't think this was a coincidence, and there was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth. It seems that the rumors have begun to work.

In addition to paying attention to these details, Lin Xuan was doing some other work. On the surface, it seemed that he was viewing the scenery, but in fact, he is observing the terrain near Spirit Pill Mountain.

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy is the only way to win a hundred battles. Similarly, if you're familiar with the terrain, you'd have a better chance of escaping if things went south.

Of course, this is just for the worst-case scenario, and Lin Xuan likes to take precautions before anything happens.

After resting for about three days, Lin Xuan felt that both body and mind had returned to their peak. Although there were indications that Spirit Pill Mountain might be in danger in the future, it should still be safe for the time being.

After all, rumors are only rumors. Before matters are completely confirmed, no one would easily offend a sect composed of alchemists. There is no need to worry too much about it. Lin Xuan boldly began his cultivation.

With his aptitude, he can't do without Spirit Pills.

Lin Xuan purified the Foundation Establishment Pills and all of them were Mid-grade.

Since the number of pills that he can take every day is limited, Lin Xuan was not willing to waste time with Low-grade pills. The purification of High-grade pills is a bit more difficult, so he mainly took mid-grade ones.

Time passed slowly…

Lin Xuan repeated the boring life of purification, consuming pills, and meditating without stepping one foot out of the Cave Mansion.

Immortal Cultivation is Defying the Heavens. The less interference there is, the better. He has secretly determined that he will never set foot into the outside world unless he reaches the Foundation Establishment Late-stage.

First of all, he practiced the "Yin-Yang Art", as there are priorities. Improving his cultivation is not something that happens overnight. In this case, Lin Xuan would certainly choose a Magic Art that can quickly improve his strength.

As long as he can transform his body's Spiritual Power between yin and yang, he would be able to learn the various Magic Arts recorded in the Profound Demon Scripture. Unlike the Righteous Dao, which stresses gradual progress. The Demonic Dao, especially Ghost Cultivation, prefers to find another way.

Although all kinds of hidden dangers will inevitably appear on the course of cultivation, the power of their Magic Arts is indeed far better than cultivators of the Righteous Dao.

This is why the Extreme Demon Venerable infused fear from the several elders of the Big Three. On one hand, it's because of his Nascent Soul mid-stage cultivation base, which is better than those old monsters of the Righteous Dao. But there was another reason, it's because of his strange techniques and great power.

Among experts of the same rank, Demonic Cultivators are generally slightly stronger than Immortal Cultivators, and the Ghost Cultivators had an even more obvious advantage.

Of course, there is no free lunch in the world, there are pros and cons in everything. There are many loopholes and hidden dangers in Demonic and Ghost cultivation methods. Not only is it easy to suffer backlash, but it will also become more difficult to improve one's realm, but it had nothing to do with Lin Xuan.

His Cultivation Method is still the top-grade Nine Heavens Profound Art. He'd only use the Magic Arts recorded in the Profound Demon Scripture after mastering the Yin-Yang Art.

In other words, he has the same power as a Ghost Cultivator. But without worrying about any hidden dangers.

In addition, the "Nine Heavens Profound Art" laid a very solid foundation. And his Spiritual Power was far purer than cultivators of the same level. If he used a Magic Art of the Ghost Dao, it would be far better than the original.

There are so many benefits. Lin Xuan is naturally certain about mastering the Yin-Yang Art. Every day except for the necessary rest time, he used it all on cultivation, while consuming pills at the same time, hoping to master it as soon as possible.

Of course, Lin Xuan also knew about his qualifications. Therefore, he has long been psychologically prepared, so failure was not a problem, as he already had perseverance.

However, when he read through the "Yin-Yang Art" three times, and understood the subtlety of it, he was dumbfounded, surprised, and delighted.

It seems that things have really started to work this time, and even the heavens helped me.

This Magic art is indeed a heaven-defying magical power, which transforms the yin and yang Spiritual Power into one another. It can be said that it has violated the common sense of the Cultivation World.

The method described was really incredible. but after careful understanding. He can only show admiration.

I don't know what level that senior had reached, in order to create this magical Yin-Yang Art.

And precisely because it's inconsistent with a lot of common sense in the Cultivation World, or even counters it, the conditions for cultivating it are completely different than those of ordinary Cultivation Methods.

Simply put, Spirit Roots, or even their absence, does not affect the cultivation of this Magic art.

When he realized this, even with Lin Xuan's calmness, he almost yelled with joy. Generally, the more sophisticated the Cultivation Method, the higher the demand for Innate Talent, and after obtaining this Magic Art, Lin Xuan was afraid that he wouldn't be able to cultivate it with his own conditions.

He didn't expect the situation to be the complete opposite. He was afraid that he might have made a mistake, and read the relevant parts several times carefully. And reading it word by word, that was exactly what it meant.

Lin Xuan was overjoyed, and quickly continued to sinks his Spiritual Sense into the Jade slip…

After a while, his expression became quite weird.

The Yin-Yang Art indeed required no Innate Talent. But anyone cultivating would have to endure unimaginable pain. And it's for a good reason, it would forcefully convert your Spiritual Power to the other attribute. As the saying goes, fire and water are incompatible, and Yin Yang Spirit Qi would also conflict.

They use the cultivator's meridians as the battlefield, fighting each other, and the cultivators would have to put up with it…How to say it, it's the kind of pain that's impossible to survive, where you'd wish you'd die, but not being able to, even if it was the eighteen layers of hell in the underworld, it is nothing but a drizzle compared to it.

Lin Xuan frowned and was doubtful. This narration was too exaggerated. But it can't be only nonsense. As a senior cultivator, there is no need to make such a fuss.

If it's just pain, he can put up with it. The book made it very clear, that is, you'd only feel this way when at first. Once you've cultivated it, the Yin and Yang Spiritual Power can be transformed at will, and any discomfort will fade away.

Compared with the benefits that came with it, he believed that any cultivator would bite grit their teeth, and endure.

Then the following description of the Cultivation Method was enough to make the cultivators discouraged…