Gu Poison


The worm was about half a foot long, crystal clear, and white as jade. Not only did it not look ugly, but it was rather quite cute.

Looking at the zombie rushing towards him, Lin Xuan pointed at the strange worm on his palm.

A bloody beam of light struck the surface of the worm's body, and a strange thing happened. The two zombies fell to the ground with a "bang". Although there was no expression on their withered faces, by listening to their roars, you'd know that it's extremely painful.

"This Celestial Silkworm Gu is really easy to use."

Lin Xuan muttered to himself, then flicked his sleeve, and two red clouds shot out, entwining the two zombies.


Lin Xuan did a hand-seal and whispered an incantation. He saw as the red glow twisted and turned into a circle of ropes, binding the two monsters to resemble dumplings. Lin Xuan flipped his hand, and a black bag appeared on his palm.

It looked slightly like a Spirit Beast Bag, but the runes inscribed on its surface were quite different.

He opened it, and a black beam of light shot out, engulfing both zombies and sucking them into the bag.

The object is called the "Spirit Ghost Bag", which is a treasure of Ghost Dao cultivators to hold all kinds of creatures of the Nether World, which not only hides the slightest Yin Qi from revealing itself, but it also nourishes ghosts.

Its value is much higher than the Spirit Beast Bag, and it's rarely sold in the market. Of course, it may appear at some secret auctions. As for this, Lin Xuan obtained it from the Sky Fiend Demon Lord's Cave Mansion.

In the beginning, he didn't expect that he'd use it. But as it was extremely rare and valuable, he took it with him.

It's extremely helpful in the capturing of zombies today.

After tightening the mouth of the bag, Lin Xuan's expression relaxed, and a trace of satisfaction appeared on his face.

It's easy for him to deal with two Spirit Condensation Middle-Stage Zombies with his current cultivation base. But once he does, he'd emit a wave of Spiritual Power fluctuations. And if he attracted a group of zombies with profound cultivation. That would be terrible.

That's why Lin Xuan thought of the idea of ​​using poison.

Medicine and poison are two sides of a coin. Since the Spirit Pill Mountain is a sect that is proficient in Alchemy, there are naturally many Jade slips related to poison.

For example, the Seven Hearts Pill that he used for cultivating the Yin-Yang Art is made from highly toxic substances. After the use of a complex combination, the toxicity neutralizes and turned into a strange medicine.

Except that the Cultivation World is not the same as the secular one. Although poisons are overbearing, their effect on cultivators is limited.

The several strongest known poisons are only capable of rivaling cultivators in the Core Formation Initial Stage, far from being comparable to other old monsters.

The Hundred Poison Boy was regarded as a rare poisonous arts genius seen once only every thousand years and is known as the first expert on the use of poison. However, he's just at the Core Formation Initial Stage, and among cultivators of the same level, he suffered more defeats than victories.

Therefore, among the various arts of cultivation, the use of poison has always been regarded as a path of little value.

Knowing that this kind of skill is not of great use, Lin Xuan naturally won't dabble into it wholeheartedly.

He just read a Poison Scripture during his brief intervals of cultivation.

He didn't know that it would come in handy this time.

The strange insect in his hand was the female insect of the Celestial Silkworm Gu. The pill made out of its venom was fed to the rooster, which was then eaten by the two zombies. However, the poisoning would not occur immediately. Only when Lin Xuan urges the female worm, would this venom work.

Well of course! This Gu Poison is not very powerful. If it were a cultivator of the Foundation Establishment Stage, they'd completely mobilize their Spiritual Power to suppress it, but dealing with two zombies equivalent to the Spirit Condensation Stage. It's more than enough.

Although activating the female worm requires a little Spiritual Power, it's very small and basically negligible. If he uses Gu Poison to control the zombies, he wouldn't have to worry about attracting a large group of zombies for using a Magic Art.

As for the origin of this Celestial Silkworm Gu, he got it from Spirit Pill Mountain, although the potency of this venom is not very powerful. It's a material for refining several pills.

Although the waters of this sect are very deep, Lin Xuan is nominally the junior Sect Master after. It's easy for him to ask for a poisonous insect like this, which is not even that precious.

Then following the Magic Art in the Poison Scripture, he was able to use it after refining it.

After successfully capturing the two zombies, Lin Xuan followed suit and picked a corpse cave further away. And by using the same method he…

In a blink of an eye, three hours passed.

Lin Xuan looked inside the Spirit Ghost Bag in his hand. There were already fifteen zombies in it, ranging from Spirit Condensation Middle-Stage to the Late-stage, and even two monsters equivalent to the Great Perfection.

To Lin Xuan, as long as they're below the Foundation Establishment Stage, the higher their cultivation is the better, but when catching the two monsters of the Great Perfection, he committed a slight mistake.

The Gu Poison could hardly suppress them. And Lin Xuan almost had to use Magic Arts. Fortunately, there was no danger. Otherwise, he would have alarmed all the zombies in the entire valley and would have had to flee.

He decided to catch a few more, so Lin Xuan walked towards another corpse cave.

However, his body came to a halt, as he suddenly felt something. His expression changed, and he quickly concealed his presence, he flashed with a black light and hid behind a large boulder.

The two dazzling rays of the light appeared from the horizon, without the slightest delay, they broke through the corpse fog in the valley and rushed into it directly.

One man and one woman. They appeared intimate and seemed to be a pair of cultivators. but after seeing them together, it would give people a strange feeling.

There was an important reason for that. The old man looked like he was seventy or eighty years old. And he had a head full of white hair. Although he appeared to be strong and vigorous, he was quite old.

And that woman, with jet black hair, watery eyes, and delicate skin, and looking no more than twenty years old.

An old husband and young wife?

If this is the secular world, it's definitely the first impression given to people, but in the Cultivation World, you can't easily draw conclusions.

Although Lin Xuan didn't probe with his Spiritual Sense, the two of them did not bother to even hide their cultivation. Core Formation Stage cultivators, Lin Xuan's face showed a faint look of horror.

This woman looked young, and god knows if she's just an old monster who had lived for hundreds of years. She twirled her hair and looked very coquettish, "Senior Brother, is this where Martial Nephew and Junior Nephew Liao had died?"