Eyes and Ears

Feng Sheng naturally didn't dare to disobey and led Lin Xuan to a wide cave.

Unlike the scorching summer outside, a cold wind blows as soon as you enter, and all you can see is white.

They seem to have come to another world.

"Martial Uncle, it's here!" Feng Sheng respectfully stood aside.

Lin Xuan briefly scanned with his Spiritual Sense and felt some extraordinary Spiritual Power fluctuations at this place. Although he had never studied Array Methods, he knew a lot about it because of his frequent use. an Ice attribute restriction was placed here to simulate the extreme environment of the snowy mountains.

A few feet away from him, the Snow Lotus were indeed planted. Although they hadn't bloomed yet, just the petals alone were as big as a bowl.

"Martial Uncle, as you can see, the Snow Lotuses are not yet mature. If they're used for Alchemy, I'm afraid…"

"It doesn't matter, give me two. "Lin Xuan said indifferently.

"Do you really want them?"Feng Sheng showed a hint of surprise on his face.

"Hey, didn't you hear me?"

"Yes, yes, I will go now."

Seeing Lin Xuan's impatient expression, Feng Sheng didn't dare say anything more. He would do whatever this young Martial Uncle asked him to. Anyway, he had already warned him, so he can't blame him if his pill refinement failed because the Snow Lotus wasn't mature.



Half an hour later

Lin Xuan left the Medicine Garden with a lot of immortal herbs. Except for the Heavenly Mountain's Snow Lotus which was still a flower bud, the other herbs were in their best condition.

Take the ginseng for example, Lin Xuan's requirement was only a hundred years old, but Feng Sheng deliberately selected two 300-year-old ones. The same went for the Vermillion Fruits, Spirit Mushrooms, and other medicinal materials.

It was clear that the other party was deliberately fawning on him.

Lin Xuan knew it clearly, but he didn't point it out. Although the difference in the age of these herbs didn't matter to him, as all he needed was to purify them anyway. But Lin Xuan did say anything about the other party being so good to him. He randomly took out a Low-grade Spirit Tool from his storage bag and gave it to Feng Sheng. The latter was immediately overjoyed and kept saying words of gratitude.

A smile appeared at the corner of Lin Xuan's mouth. Of course, he did this for another purpose. Naturally, it would be more convenient when he needed materials in the future.

On the other hand, he intended to bribe him. Although his cultivation base was not high, and he was just a low-level steward. But lowly figures also have the use of being lowly figures, he can at least be used as his eyes and ears.

He spent most of his time in cultivation, the same as for Yue'er. Therefore, his information is very limited. Lin Xuan vaguely mentioned a few words to Feng Sheng and asked him to pay more attention to the sect affairs and to regularly come to his Cave Mansion to tell him. For it would give him indispensable benefits.

Feng Sheng was also a person with an exquisite mind. This is just a matter of slight effort. So he naturally agreed. For him, being able to have a good relationship with Lin Xuan is naturally a blessing.

Lin Xuan touched the flower buds in his arms. Although the Snow Lotus are not yet mature. He could purify them and extract their essence. If it didn't work, he would have to go to the nearby market and buy another two. In short, Lin Xuan didn't want any delays. And wasn't willing to wait for two whole months.

He went back to his Cave Mansion without a word. And immediately brought the herbs to the Alchemy room and began to purify them. There was nothing to say about it, he was already very familiar with it, and the success rate was quite high. He only failed once, but it didn't matter. He already got extra copies of every herb.

It took a day for Lin Xuan to prepare all the ingredients required for the"Jing Yuan Powder", such as the Vermillion Fruit and other raw materials. And nothing went wrong with Snow Lotus that he was most worried about, although the extracted Snow Lotus Liquid was a little lighter, but it shouldn't be a big deal as long as he follows the recipe.

Naturally, the next step was pill refining. This "Jing Yuan Powder" was written on an ancient prescription. The main difference is that the materials required are a bit harsh, but the method of refining is very simple. Lin Xuan only took a few days to get a whole batch of Jing Yuan Powder.

Now that everything was in place, he can take out and refine the Mystic Fire God Pearl. But Lin Xuan pondered for a moment and didn't begin. Instead, he walked out of the Alchemy room and returned to his bedroom.

He first took a bath, then lay down on his bed to rest. Lin Xuan did this to restore his body and spirit to their peak condition to increase the success rate.

He slept for one day and one night.

Early the next morning, Lin Xuan, who felt refreshed, came to the Alchemy room.

He patted his storage bag and took out the Mystic Fire God Pearl.

He placed this ancient treasure in front of him, Lin Xuan looked at it for a moment, and his expression became more and more solemn.

He then tossed it gently, the Mystic Fire God Pearl did not fly away, but floated on top of his head and slowly rotated. Although this object was not yet refined, the most basic manipulation is not difficult.

After that, Lin Xuan raised his hands to make a hand-seal and used a Magic Art. After changing into various gestures, his right index finger gently slightly moved forward.

A red light shot out from his fingertip.

However, its target is not the Mystic Fire God Pearl, but the beast head in the center of the stone room.

This is a special arrangement of Spirit Pill Mountain, where each of the beast heads is connected to the Earth Fire Veins deep underground.

This is also one of the reasons why Lin Xuan dared to use the special method of ancient treasure refinement.

The Jade slip stated very clearly, that refining ancient treasure needed the Pure Yang Fire of Core Formation Stage cultivators. Although the Innate True Fire of Foundation Establishment Late-stage cultivators could barely make do, but the success rate is not high.

However, he can't ask for his master's help when refining Magic Artifacts, because each person's True Fire has its own Spiritual Sense imprint. If you asked someone else to help, even if it's successful, it will not be integrated with its owner's mind and spirit, and its power will be greatly reduced.

Of course, there is a solution to this problem. Which is to find the Natural Veins of Fire without a Spiritual Sense mark. But as everyone knows, the Earth Veins of Fire is not as good as a Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator's Innate True Fire.

Lin Xuan doesn't have to worry about this problem. The fire of earth veins is also divided into ranks. Spirit Pill Mountain's is the best in You Prefecture. Even if it's slightly inferior to the Pure Yang Core Fire, the gap is very small. Anyway, it was enough to refine treasures.