Entering the Mortal World and Fighting Inner Demons

Of course, it was not a big deal. After leaving the Alchemy Store, Lin Xuan immediately purchased a Jade slip from another store in the market.

The Jade slip contained information about the various sects and clans in You Prefecture and even some of the famous Rogue Cultivators.

He looked at the column on the Heavenly Vision Sect, and read the contents contained in it carefully.

After Lin Xuan had left the city, he immediately flew to Heavenly Vision Mountain without a word.

At this moment, he was looking at a small town at the foot of the mountain, with a trace of hesitation flashing across his face, and after a moment of pondering, he walked over.

Although he didn't fly, but with the Imperial Wind Technique, his speed was still outrageous.

When he arrived at the periphery of the town, Lin Xuan took out a Hidden Spirit Pill and swallowed it, which restrained the Spiritual Qi all his body. His cultivation base seemed to only be at the Spirit Condensation Middle-Stage. He then walked into the town.

Generally speaking, although cultivators have not yet become immortal, the secular world and them can still be said to be of two different worlds. However, the towns in front of him had overturned this theory.

The town wasn't too big and had a population of only a few thousand. however, apart from the 90% of the mortals, the other 10% were all cultivators.

What's even more amazing is that even if they saw all sorts of mysterious immortal means, the mortals didn't show any surprise on their faces, as if they were already used to it.

It's obviously incomprehensible in other places, but here everything seemed so natural as if it should be.

Although he had already seen the introduction in the jade slip, there was still a hint of surprise on his face.

Unlike other sects that held high positions and regarded mortals as insignificant ants, this Heavenly Vision Sect paid attention to entering the secular world, washing the dust of one's heart and soul, thus removing the inner demons and improving one's realm of cultivation.

Therefore, the disciples of this faction. Instead of arbitrarily rejecting mortals, they actively blend in with them and even solve some problems for them.

Although their original intention was to aid in their cultivation, the result was a blessing to the world.

At first, mortals were shocked and horrified by those living god-like existences and kept far away. But as time went by. For thousands of years, they had already become accustomed to it.

There are even some mortals, either because of earning the favor of the "Immortals" or because of other reasons, they actually lived under the Heavenly Vision Mountain, where their whole family then managed.

At first, there were only three or five households, and then it gradually became a small village. Finally, it turned into a little town.

The Heavenly Vision Sect didn't reject the mortals' actions. In any case, there is a large Protection Array guarding the mountain entrance, let alone ordinary mortals. Even the Immortal Cultivators with evil intentions couldn't easily enter.

Not to mention, only those who had achieved the Foundation Establishment Stage could go out to practice and remove their inner demons.

Now this town was a place where Spirit Condensation Stage disciples would blend into to be tested in resisting the worldly temptations.

The town was not big, and it only took Lin Xuan an hour to walk through several streets.

He then picked an inconspicuous inn at the end of the town and walked in.

Lin Xuan didn't intend to enter Heavens Vision Mountain immediately, because according to the Jade slip, although the faction is good to secular mortals, their counterparts from thousands of miles away are shown a different face.

The reason why they are closed off is not only because some small cultivation families and sects were reluctant to communicate with other cultivators. To put it simply, they oppose anything foreign or any outsiders.

Regardless of the Righteous or Demonic Path, there is always an inexplicable hostility to cultivators who come from afar.

With this faction being self-sufficient and sealed off, it's quite amazing that they've reached such an amazing level.

For example, in You Prefecture, Spirit Pill Mountain is a sect that is open to both the Righteous and Demonic factions. However, it does not have any dealing with Heavenly Vision Mountain.

This sect, in order to avoid contact with the outside world. Even at the expense of huge financial and material resources. Have trained two alchemists by themselves, although their skills are not comparable to Spirit Pill Mountain. But it can barely meet local needs.

When he saw this, Lin Xuan was dumbfounded and couldn't help but laugh bitterly. His original idea of visiting with the help of his identity as the junior sect master of Spirit Pill Mountain fell through.

What made Lin Xuan even more speechless is that Heavenly Vision Mountain recently imposed stricter control over foreign cultivators.

The reason for this is related to the current situation in You Prefecture.

In the past ten years, although the Cultivation World was still calm on the surface. But in the dark, the undercurrents are raging.

Technically speaking, it was the Sky Fiend Demon Lord who caused this trouble.

Although in the end, the Heavenly Dust Pill was ruined, and neither the Righteous Path nor the Demonic Path obtained it.

However, the Extreme Demon Venerable's actions made the Big Three feel uneasy. Not only has his cultivation base reached Nascent Soul Middle-Stage, but he also possessed a second Nascent Soul by using a heaven-defying magical power.

And the elders of the Big Three were only at the Nascent Soul Initial Stage.

Even if they joined hands, it would only result in a situation where they're balanced with the Demon Venerable.

The strength of both sides is quite equal. On the surface, mutual scruples are beneficial to peace. But don't forget the power of the Righteous Path for thousands of years, has been over the Demonic Path.

The resources they occupy were naturally several times more.

Now that Demonic Dao has soared, it is naturally unwilling to accept such a situation. So they put forward new requirements for Spirit Veins and Spirit Stones Mines.

Not to mention, the Extreme Demon Venerable was originally an ambitious guy.

No one is willing to spit out the meat in their mouths so easily. The Big Three are not vegetarians, and they have been the dominating You Prefecture for thousands of years, so they were naturally unwilling to give up their interests.

The Nascent Soul Experts of both sides also met several times in private, negotiating, threatening, and demonstrating their strength. In short, the battle of words has been turned upside down.

But it was still nonsense.

How can the two parties reach an agreement so easily?

However, on one hand, the two sides were not ready, and on the other hand, they had scruples with each other so that they could carry out their plans. But the calmness of the surface could not conceal the coming of the wind and rain, the whole You Prefecture like a string. And the tension was getting more and more intense.