"Ansel...how?" Elijah says with a shock on his face.

" What happened...that...that woman over there...she said she is not Tatia and told me it's been a thousand years...You tell me what exactly happened to us?" Ansel says with a lot of confusion showing on his face.

Both brothers hug each other and it was more emotional for Elijah than it was for Ansel because for him it's just a few hours when he last saw Elijah but for Elijah, it's been thousand years in which he regretted his brother's death.

Elijah always thought it was his fault that it was he who was responsible for his younger brother's death and which led Klaus to the person he is today because for Klaus his brother was a hope which was taken from him by his father.

"Elijah...where is Nik?" Ansel asks.

"You have a thousand years to cover...brother...come with me" Elijah tries to hide the truth from Ansel.

"You are right"

Ansel then remembers Caroline "Elijah...that girl".

Ansel rushes towards the woods but Caroline wasn't there.

He tries to find her but then Elijah calls his name and asks him to see.

Ansel gets to Elijah and sees he is sitting near Tyler, Elijah already knew that Tyler was a werewolf by his conditions.

" Listen carefully," Elijah says touching Tyler's chest.

Ansel tries to focus and suddenly a voice of heartbeat comes in his ears.

"How is he still alive?" Ansel asks.

"He is in transition...he is turning into a hybrid...if I'm not wrong" Elijah knew that Ansel wasn't affected by Esther's spell thousand years ago but he kept that as a secret from his parents.

"He is becoming like me and Nik...isn't he?" Ansel asks.

"He is," Elijah says nodding his head.

After a few minutes, Tyler wakes up with a shock and his eyes were glowing bright yellow and his teeth were larger like canines.

Tyler looks at Ansel in fear and tries to remember where he might have seen him because he was looking quite familiar.

"You are Caroline's friend right," Ansel says while offering his hand to Tyler.

Tyler gets up with Ansel's help but he knew something was different in him this time.

"What's happening to me?" Tyler asks while looking for Caroline.

"According to my brother Elijah...You are turning into a hagrid" Ansel says.

"Hybrid...brother" Elijah corrects his brother.

"Yes...Hybrid" Ansel says.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Tyler asks.

"You are becoming a werewolf with a vampire abilities...you will have vampire killing bite 24×7...you will not have to turn every full moon...and you can turn on your will and all those advantages which come with being a vampire, " Elijah says in just one breath.

"Wait...you are saying that I don't have to turn on every full moon...How that can happen?" Half naked Tyler asks with excitement.

"You are a turning into a hybrid...and hybrids can control their transition," Elijah says.

"What do you mean turning into a hybrid?" Tyler asks.

"But first...you need to drink human blood or you will die again...this time for good"

Elijah says.