Chapter 55.

Chapter 55.

Eejun asked with an angry face, "Jihoon Kang, are you sure you don't know where Woojin is?"

"… My head is pounding, so stop talking to me and go over there. Get away from me."

Eejun stared at Jihoon for a long time. After a sigh, he moved to sit on the nearby sofa. Jihoon massaged his temples with his eyes closed and asked finally, "Any chance she moved him?"


"… Are you sure?"

Eejun looked at Jihoon who seemed to be suspicious of him and his mother as well. Jihoon could be rough, but he also was easily scared.

Eejun said to him, "You are a sad bastard."

"… That was uncalled for."

"Stop pretending to be calm and tell me everything you know."

"I don't know anything. That's why I called you, obviously."

Jihoon smiled sadly and asked, "Do you have any proof that it wasn't her?"

"You know as well as I do that she isn't in Korea."

"That can change anytime, isn't it? She can do whatever she wants."