Deified After One Battle

Seeing that Xie Wuyou was forced into a tight corner, Zhou Xuanji laughed with disdain.

  He came back to Jiang Xue and the rest. "Follow me," He said.

  After he spoke, he led the party to fly over the cliff. He kept his eyes on the plain, in case the Sword Monarch attacks him suddenly.

  The Sword Monarch turned around and looked up at him.

  At this moment, the Sword Monarch's face was covered with blood, but he was not crippled. A dangerous aura could still be sensed coming out from him.

  Their eyes met, but their positions have been inverted.

  Before, it was he who stood loftily above.

  Now, he was down below.

  "Sword Monarch of Great Zhou, you have been injured twice by me. You still don't want to admit defeat?"

  Zhou Xuanji snorted coldly, but in his heart, he was a little afraid.

  Is this guy going to lose his mind?

  If he were to fight to the death, I would not win for sure.