Phoenix Sword Emperor? Sword God Zhou?

Seeing that Chongming Demon Monarch was severely injured with one attack, the group was shocked.

  Zhou Xuanji cursed in his heart, this guy is still not tanky enough!

  Chongming Demon Monarch fell. The stream of black light transformed into a ball of black Qi that suspended in the air. No one could identify the enemy within.

  Zhou Xuanji immediately tossed out the Wicked Song Sword with the Ranged Sword Propelling. It swiftly flew over the bull demon's head and shot itself toward the ball of black Qi.

  The black Qi moved quickly and dodged the Wicked Song Sword.


  Chongming Demon Monarch fell to the ground, and his fall swept up a storm of dust.

  Beixiao Wangjian and Huang Lianxin rushed over quickly. They did not want the bull demon dead just like that.

  "Who are you?"

  Daoya Old Man asked with squinted eyes. He did not expect Haoqi Alliance to come so quickly.