The Fear of Great Chen’s Prince

Zhou Xuanji and Zhao Congjian entered Great Chen with their real names. The entry fee was a little cheaper than Great Zhou's border, and they encountered no trouble at all along the way as they flew into the Great Chen territory.

  They were going to River Willow City, which was close to the royal capital.

  River Willow City had a population of few million. It occupied a vast area and was surrounded by mountains. A river flowed through the center of the city with countless streams and tributaries spread across the entire city like tree branches.

  The climate here was like spring all year round. This city was a rather reputable one in Great Chen, and it was also a center of commerce.

  Zhou Xuanji and Zhao Congjian traveled for four days before arriving at Jiiiangliu City.

  Standing on a hill and looking at the majestic city in front, Zhao Congjian was a little dazzled.

  After all, he had grown up here.