Killing Ants And Culling Dogs


The entire Royal City was sent into an uproar; who dared to charge out at such a critical moment?

Could it be…

Millions of people felt incredibly excited and quickly guessed the identity of this newcomer.

Zhou Yalong's eyes became red, and dense killing intent flowed out of them.

Under everyone's gaze, Zhou Xuanji and the others flew over on swords, looking like a group of immortals. The soldiers on the city walls wanted to stop them, but were all injured by Zhou Xuanji's legendary swords.

On the Ascension Stage, everyone stood up.

Within the sunlight, Emperor Yan of Zhou's eyes narrowed.

"So, he ended up coming!" Yang Zhongtian muttered to himself, a strange look of delight in his eyes.

The entire Royal City was shaken.

"Sword God Zhou has come!"

"I knew that Zhou Xuanji wouldn't let Zhou Yalong off!"

"Is he going to fight for the throne?"