Modern Legend

Seeing Zhou Yalong being held like a cloth sack by Chongming Demon Monarch, the entire city erupted into loud clamor. 

Countless people cried out as they were unable to believe their eyes and ears.

"Life-Devouring Demon Chief? Heavens, this turn of events…"

"Could it be that Zhou Xuanji really is the Tanhua Sect's Vice Sect Lord?"

"Are you dumb? It's evidently the Tanhua Sect trying to rope Zhou Xuanji in. With this kind of talent, what faction would not be interested?"

"That's right, Sword God Zhou has never committed any bloody atrocities before."

"Experts rely on their own strength; Sword God Zhou doesn't need to attach himself to any faction."

Voices sounded out from every corner of the city; Zong Kuiming's betrayal was much too shocking.

Now, even if Emperor Yan of Zhou came down, he would not be able to turn the situation around.

Zhou Xuanji looked at Huang Lianxin and said, "Go and take revenge."