Chaos Tide Sea, Matchless Sword Immortal

Translator: Mr Voltaire

Editor: Modlawls123

"Skyfall? Not a bad name. Very well, from now on, this mountain will belong to me, the Matchless Sword Immortal!" The green-clothed man smirked as he said in delight, completely ignoring Haotian Boar King's warning.

Matchless Sword Immortal?

What the hell!

Haotian Boar King became infuriated, and his body became somewhat bigger as his fur stood on its end. 

He leaped up, looking like a small mountain flying up, and he raised his massive hammer as he smashed it at the green-robed man.

The green-clothed man raised his sword and slashed out, sending out golden sword qi that crisscrossed as it flew out incredibly quickly. The sword qi was incredibly powerful, blasting Haotian Boar King into the sky, and bloody cuts appeared on his body, from which blood flowed out.

Then, the green-robed man rushed towards him.