Chapter 247 – Golden Dragon Rushes About, Sweeping Unhindered and Invincible

Swish! Swish! Swish…

Dozens of swords flew together, causing the sound of the air being torn to continuously sound out. The demons on the grassy plains all looked over in surprise.

Shihou Demon Sovereign and Potian Demon Monarch also looked over.

"Eh? What powerful sword qi!" Potian Demon Monarch said in surprise. He was not scared and instead looked quite interested.

Who dared to come at such a critical juncture?

No matter who it was, that person would die facing them!

The cultivators on the city walls also noticed Zhou Xuanji's arrival. Seeing so many swords shooting over, they quickly guessed the newcomer's identity.

"It's Zhou Xuanji! Zhou Xuanji, ranked first on the Northern Wilderness Genius Rankings!"

"It's definitely him; his wife Xian Xianghua is at our sect!"

"We're saved!"

"The enemy army has two Ninth Rank great demons; can Zhou Xuanji deal with them?"

"When has Zhou Xuanji ever lost before?"