Chapter 253 Seeking the Way. Divining the Fate

"Don't try to trick me. If you want to avenge your teacher, you have to rely on me. And those disciples of yours, I'm the one who decides whether they live or die."

  Jihuang Demon Lord looked down on the Divine Monk and mocked him.

  He had other uses for the monk, which was why he did not kill him.

  Xuanhe Divine Monk and Daoya Old Man were close friends, and both were masters in divination. They knew Yin and Yang and understood how to divine fate.

  Facing Jihuang Demon Lord's threat, Xuanhe Divine monk did not reply.

  He was already used to it.

  "Oh yes, is Zhou Xuanji the Ten Thousand Year Prince?"

  Jihuang Demon Lord inquired further. His eyes looked at the monk intently.

  He knew about the monk's relationship with Daoya Old Man, who was the grand-teacher of Zhou Xuanji.

  The murder of the monk's teacher partnered with his close friend's grand-student—what irony.