Chapter 275 The Battle Between The Immortals

Boooom! Boooom! Boom...

  Jihuang Demon Lord and Jiang Wudi fought head-on, using all kinds of different spells, and it was hard to determine who was winning.

  Jiang Wudi's spells inclined toward physical cultivation. Every punch and kick had the mighty power of destroying the world.

  Jihuang Demon Lord was enveloped with demonic Qi and thrust the black spear in his hands consecutively. Numerous demonic shadows conjured and surrounded Jiang Wudi.

  When they were far enough from Zhou Xuanji, their rationality recovered.

  "What's happening... I'm here to intimidate him into backing off. How did I start fighting him?"

  Jiang Wudi regretted what he was doing. How did he overact?

  He came to threaten Jihuang demon lord. With him, Xian Xianghua, and Zhou Xuanji working together, Jihuang Demon Lord would surely retreat.

  No one expected him to begin fighting Jihuang Demon Lord the moment they met.