Chapter 291 Qilin Divine Tribulation. Tribulation of Scattered Immortals.

After Lu Tiange repeated the vow, Daoya Old Man took his essence blood. He asked for a drop of it from Zhou Xuanji as well, before combining the blood of both people.

  Essence blood was blood and essence. Each demon or human had different essence blood, which could be used as identification in the cultivation world.

  For example, enchanted artifacts and weapons required essence blood to acknowledge their owners.

  Daoya Old Man waved his right hand and scattered the essence blood in his hand across the heavens and the earth.

  The blood disappeared without a trace or sound.

  "Just like that?" Zhou Xuanji asked with a frown. How come he felt like it was a scam and not credible?

  Daoya Old Man nodded and said proudly, "That's for sure. The heavens and the earth are witnesses. This divine ability is not simple. Less than five people in the entire Northern Wilderness Region know this divine ability."