Chapter 303 The Power of the Sword Emperor

On the mountain top.

  Zhuang Huisheng sat on his jeweled chair, surrounded by four demons in human form. His face was fierce and stern, giving off a bale aura.

  He was Demon Monarch Gulan's son. Back then, when Zhou Xuanji was subduing Beixiao Wangjian, he encountered Zhuang Huisheng, who invaded the empire to catch Princess Xuanya.

  Zhou Xuanji became greatly reputed in Great Zhou after defeating him. 

  At the foot of the mountain, some villages faced the blue ocean.

  At this moment, villagers gathered and knelt before the hill, looking at Zhuang Huisheng.

  "Oh King, we have only a few boys and girls left in the village. Can we exchange something else?" The old villager chief asked carefully. Fear was all over his face.

  He prayed in his heart for the immortal to help them.