Chapter 369 My Good Daughter, Look Carefully

"Hmm? Fourth Tribulation Scattered Immortal? Not bad!" The golden-armored man chuckled mockingly. He still did not take Zhou Xuanji seriously.

  The man continued to fly toward Zhou Xuanji and his daughter. But he stopped suddenly and said in astonishment, "So many swords and such cultivation. Could you be the Sword Emperor, Zhou Xuanji? "

  Zhou Xiaoxuan looked at Zhou Xuanji's back, stunned. Her white clothing danced in the wind.

  "Father..." She mumbled.

  The blood on Zhou Xuanji's body faded away quickly. His face was like a brilliant jade, and he said with a smile, "Heavenly Clan of Xuanyuan, right? You really think you can make the Northern Wilderness Region your puppet?"

  This was the first time acting tough in front of his daughter. It was exciting.

  He must make this fight a clean and handsome victory and show his might and domination!