Chapter 373 – Great Emperor Heartless vs Spirit Sovereign Yan

Before he could receive power from Heaven, Heavenly General Zhenwu's head was slashed off, ending his life.

His body was incredibly powerful, but it was a pity that it still could not defend against the sharpness of a Celestial Shaking grade legendary sword.

His Astral Spirit was unable to even escape.

In order to prevent anything unexpected from happening, Zhou Xuanji used the Six-path Sword Shadow and once again unleashed Soul-eater Slash, turning Heavenly General Zhenwu's corpse into ash.

This process was incredibly quick and Zhou Xiaoxuan only saw a blur. Before she had made sense of what was happening, Heavenly General Zhenwu was no longer there.

Zhou Xuanji noticed her expression and looked down as he said with a laugh, "Don't worry; with your father here, no one can harm you."

After saying this, he walked slowly towards the other Heavenly Guards.