Chapter 377 – 15 Leaders

Five days after the Heavenly Palace made that announcement, the leaders of the Seven Empires and Eight Sanctums gathered together to discuss this matter.

They were gathered within a hall in the Canghai Ziggurat.

The Canghai Ziggurat was a neutral Sanctum and very rarely participated in conflicts, and they also had a trustworthy reputation.

Yang Xindi drummed his fingers on the table as he spoke first, "The Heavenly Palace is killing two birds with one stone with this tactic. Not only do they seem completely justified in killing people, but they also have caused divisions between us and the top experts of our age. Once the Sword Emperor, Xian Xianghua, and the others die, even if our human race can continue to exist, we will struggle at death's door and will have to live like slaves."

His intention was clear: They could not allow the Heavenly Palace to do as it wished.