Chapter 405 – Ninth Tribulation Scattered Immortal, Tenth Revolution Golden Immortal

True God!

Zhou Xuanji frowned; he had once again heard this term.

He looked at Qin Mohuai; this fellow had power that surpassed that of Great Tribulation Scattered Immortals?

What was above Great Tribulation Scattered Immortals?

Qin Mohuai flipped his right hand and a massive saber appeared in his hand. This saber was five feet long and was curved like a crescent moon. It was completely black and danced with a cold light.

He slowly rose up, a savage smile on his face.

The more he looked at Zhou Xuanji, the greater the envy in his eyes became.

"You don't know what is above Great Tribulation Scattered Immortals?" Qin Mohuai coldly laughed as he said, "Then I'll tell you: above the Nine Tribulations of Scattered Immortals are Ten Revolutions of Golden Immortals. Even though you have First Class talent, it's a pity that you've never seen a broader sky."