Chapter 409 – Heavenly Emperor Divine Constitution

"He will be devoured by the Demonic Emperor's power and desire. In the end, his personality will greatly change, and he will become someone whose mood changes at a whim and is incredibly bloodthirsty," man in the woven rush raincoat said as he sighed. He had seen more than one descendant of the Demonic Emperor bloodline. All of them were people who harmed the world, and even though they were all destroyed in the end, they all committed great crimes.

Hearing this, Xiao Jinghong directly drew his sword and prepared to kill himself, but he was stopped by Zhou Xuanji.

"Are you an idiot?" Zhou Xuanji said as he glared at him.

Xiao Jinghong bitterly laughed as he said, "I don't want you to be troubled."

He understood Zhou Xuanji. Even though he had a heart for saving the world, he was someone who valued love and friendships greatly.

When choosing between the world and the people by his side, Zhou Xuanji would definitely choose the latter.