Chapter 422 – Become My Sword Slave!

Bai Suwan occasionally poked her head out from Zhou Xuanji's clothes and watched the battle in the sky, continuously exclaiming.

"Wow, so powerful!"

"Are we really going to go over?"

"Little Ji Xuan, are you as strong as them?"

Zhou Xuanji felt a headache coming on listening to her and ignored her while staring at Shi Shenzong.

This fellow had nearly succeeded in becoming a Great Emperor.

He was already at Fifth Class Great Emperor!

Based on his momentum, it seemed like he would reach Second Class Great Emperor.

After all, he was one of the most astounding geniuses in the history of the Northern Wilderness.

Even the Hegemon Sword Emperor could not compare to him.

Seeing Zhou Xuanji walk towards Shi Shenzong step by step, the Hegemon Sword Emperor felt incredibly worried. However, with the two Void Extreme Immortals joining together, he could barely defend against them, and he was unable to help Shi Shenzong.