Chapter 447 Extraordinary Appearance

After encountering Baihao Yixin, Zhou Xuanji and his companions rushed to find the old immortal.

  A month later.

  They finally reached it.

  The three landed and looked ahead. Undulating mountain ranges were pervaded with mist. At one glance from afar, it was mysterious and scenic.

  Xiao Chan said, "Let's walk over quietly. The old immortal likes serenity and likes to not be disturbed."

  Zhou Xuanji nodded and followed behind her with Bai Suwan.

  Half an hour later.

  The three came to a taoist temple that was not very massive. Fruits and vegetables were planted on both sides. A cat that was as fat as a pig was snoring on the ground. The smell of incense came from inside the temple.

  Xiao Chan walked up to the main gate and said respectfully, "Old immortal, I'm back."

  She spent decades with the old immortal, and she always revered him.

  "Come in, all of you."